Neo-Bolshevism Suffers A Setback In Britain But The Stakes Are Much Higher In America
Will the Tory victory over Bolshevism mirror the British victory in the Battle of Britain and foreshadow the end of the totalitarian takeover of the West?
Will the Tory victory over Bolshevism mirror the British victory in the Battle of Britain and foreshadow the end of the totalitarian takeover of the West?
In this week’s reading, Jacob is transformed from a follower into a leader of men and a builder of an enduring nation, a nation that still bears his new name of Israel
Everyone and most of all Jews knows that we are first and foremost a nation. Denying this simple fact makes American Jews into liars and lowers them to the level of the vilest anti-Semites.
Did he really do it? President Trump states the obvious and outs American Jews by calling them something they have always called themselves: members of a nation other than America.
As the Israeli election clock ticks down its last hours, Netanyahu’s chances of occupying the prime minister’s office after the March 2nd election seem to evaporate
Off the potter’s wheel, ceramics are often affectatious. Pninah Shakedi shows us that they don’t have to be.
Like Julius Caesar, Netanyahu belongs to that rare class of transcendent political leaders who can only be defeated by being stabbed in the back
American Jews are indeed richer, on average than other Americans, which has never stopped most of them from voting Democratic. Until now.
Liberty is not found in optimizing the amount of time the pleasure centers in our brains are stimulated. It is found in fulfilling our obligations to our families, our communities, our nation, and our God.
Jacob’s 20-year stint in Laban’s service teaches us the virtues of capitalism: hard work, ingenuity, courage, and independence