Tablet: ‘Woke’ White Liberals Are Driving A New Antisemitism
Tablet: ‘Woke’ White Liberals Are Driving A New Antisemitism.
Tablet: ‘Woke’ White Liberals Are Driving A New Antisemitism.
Civilization requires sacrifice and hard choices. Western civilization, the civilization of free people requires choices that are harder yet, choices that we are now unwilling to make.
Middle East “Deal of the Century” is an appeal to the Palestinians to finally grasp historical trends and act in their own self-interest before its too late.
This year, Atlas Awards, the preeminent competition for established Israeli technology start-ups showcases a rapidly maturing marketplace for leading and exciting innovations that will make life better for all of us.
Just like Rome, America will fall if it continues to be unable and unwilling to defend its borders with the force of arms.
On the eve of Shavuot, the anniversary of the Jews receiving the Torah, it is time to reject once again the Golden Calf of modernity and assimilation.
To win, we must fight totally, unflinchingly, brutally, regardless of sacrifice, like we did in WWII. Can we do it again now?
Aftermath of the failed Israeli election shows that the outcome failed to properly reflect the existing balance between the observant and non-observant segments of the population.
An Israeli artist creates interesting and surprising outdoor art.
The only country big enough and determined enough to win the new world order is China. Get ready to survive.