Stand By Here To Watch President Trump To Address The Nation At 11AM EST
Stand By Here To Watch President Trump To Address The Nation At 11AM EST.
Analysis of current events in Israel and the surrounding region in the Middle East on
Stand By Here To Watch President Trump To Address The Nation At 11AM EST.
Last night Iran wasted its one free shot at America and committed a war crime by making a Ukrainian airliner the victim of its planned AA ambush for the never materialized American response
As America dramatically ramps up its military presence in the Middle East, Putin is in Syria meeting with Bashar Al-Assad and Islamists are gathered in Tehran
The leak of Chief Rabbi Yosef’s careless and unwise remarks was intended to disrupt the secular-religious coalition on which the Israeli right depends to win the March 2nd election
Under president Trump’s leadership, America is determined to stop Iran from achieving their long-time goal of taking over Iraq and establishing a new Persian Empire because that would be very bad for all Americans
By killing Soleimani, a legend and a symbol of “resistance” to America, Trump has flipped the fear equation on the ayatollahs
Who is really running things in Israel? Is it the Israeli people via the ballot box and the Knesset, or is it the entrenched progressive globalist elites via the Supreme Court? Gloves are coming off in the high stakes chess game between the progressive globalists and the nationalist populists in…
In just a few hours the Israeli Supreme Court will decide if incumbent PM Netanyahu’s political career is essentially over
Israel was not created by the Zionist movement to make planet Earth, the diaspora, safe for Jews. It was created precisely by people who realized that the diaspora would NEVER be safe for Jews.
The globalists’ heavy handed tactics elected president Trump and led the UK out of the European Union. Will the Israeli people follow suit by rejecting their threats and reelecting a nationalist government in March?