KATZ: The IDF Will Plan For Total Defeat Of Hamas In Gaza If Hostages are Not Released By Trump Inauguration
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Meanwhile, the IDF continues to bomb Hamas positions in Gaza.
This type of mission is extremely complex, involves deception and diversion, and a variety of aircraft.
The attack was carried out in broad daylight against three major objectives.
Russian news entity Sputnik reported an Israeli helicopter landed at Syrian military site in Damascus and offlocaded passengers, who returned twenty minutes later.
The IDF has also moved into southern Syria with tanks and other troops to establish a buffer zone against any jihadi rebel activity.
The IDF is warning residents of the region to not return to their homes or they could be fired upon.
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Please follow us on Gab, Minds, Telegram, Rumble, Truth Social, Gettr The response to the Iranian attack: a senior official – the attack will come before the US presidential elections. A senior official clarifies that the action will come when preparations for and coordination with the US are completed. Jerusalem…
More than 700 special operations in which IDF forces spent more than 200 nights in enemy territory in southern Lebanon.