Gaza: The Aftermath
The Gaza flareup post-mortem shows an Israeli military that is happy to act as a corporate entity and view the death and suffering of regular Israelis as acceptable outcomes in a risk-reward analysis
The Gaza flareup post-mortem shows an Israeli military that is happy to act as a corporate entity and view the death and suffering of regular Israelis as acceptable outcomes in a risk-reward analysis
As Rockets Rain Down On Israel From Gaza, IDF Begins Massive Strike, Eurovision In Doubt.
Under the guidance of the new Chief of Staff IDF is embarking on a slew of far-reaching initiatives to improve combat readiness in a rapidly changing threat environment
The remains of one of three soldiers missing from a 37 year old battle have bee found in Syria by Russian forces
An Arab terrorist managed to stab an IDF soldier on duty and steal his weapon then go on a killing spree that claimed the life of one soldier and severely wounded two civilians.
The secular religious divide in Israel is a constant point of friction, but it is getting better
Palestinian student shot and killed while trying to stab a soldier at a Jerusalem check point.
A Druze Israeli hopes to soon become Israel’s first Druze helicopter fighter pilot.
The exchange of missile fire between Iran, Syria, and Israel early this week is shaping to be the first open skirmish of the inevitable Iran-Israel war.
Israeli strikes on Iranian interests continue unabated as a major nighttime attack comes on the heels of limited daytime action earlier today.