Israel Fought Behind The Scenes To Drop Turkey From US F-35 Program: Report
Israel Fought Behind The Scenes To Drop Turkey From US F-35 Program: Report.
Israel Fought Behind The Scenes To Drop Turkey From US F-35 Program: Report.
Trump is gambling big to once and for all vanquish Iran and its proxies and get the deal of the century done between the Jews and the Arabs.
After the new Israeli government is formed and Trump’s peace deal is revealed it will be decision time for the Palestinians
Israeli elections and the soon to be revealed Saudi-supported Trump peace plan for the region may push Iran towards military escalation
A nuclear Iran may be impossible to contain, given that its drive for regional hegemony is rooted deep in the extreme version of Shia Islam practiced by their leaders.
Islam is inherently radical. It needs to be isolated and contained while the rest of the world goes forward.
Israel may have to invade Iran, says a new study.
America’s endless wars in the Middle East serve only the elites at the expense of everyone else and must stop.
America must avoid internationalizing regional conflicts.