Middle East

Hizballah’s Deep State: The Creeping Annexation Of Lebanese State Institutions And Political Life

Hizballah’s Deep State: The Creeping Annexation Of Lebanese State Institutions And Political Life
Hezbollah guys on parade in south Beirut, Lebanon in the late 2000s

The concept of a ‘deep state’ is customarily used to describe a structure existing within and separate from the formal structures of a state, which to a partial or total degree constitutes the genuine center of power and decision-making within that state. Usually, the phrase refers to an informal network. The phrase has its origins in Turkey, (‘Derin Devlet’) where it was used to describe an alleged network of individuals within the political system, judiciary, military, and intelligence services operating together in defense of their own conception of state security. Elsewhere, the phrase has been defined as referring to ‘a “more or less hidden” ‘security hierarchy’ or ‘security state’ “that not only acts in parallel to the former but also monitors and exerts control” over the ‘regular state hierarchy…’

To read more visit The Middle East Center For Reporting And Analysis.

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