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Blumenthal's Dodge

August 10, 2022

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U.S. Senator Dick Blumenthal decided to wait until the mid-term election had passed before weighing in on the delicate question “Should President Joe Biden run for a second term in office?”

In most national polls, Biden’s approval numbers were headed for the cellar, where Biden had launched his political campaign for president in April of 2019. Incumbent Democrats so far have refrained from sharply criticizing the titular national head of their party.

Blumenthal, conscious that he is sitting on the sharp edges of a two edged sword, masterfully dogged the question.

CNN Dana Banks to Blumenthal: President Biden says that he intends to run for re-election in 2024. You’ve heard there’s not exactly unanimity  in your party, that people like  Chairwoman  Caroline Maloney said that she doesn’t think he will run.  Congressman Dean Phillips says he doesn’t want him to run. Do you think Biden is the best candidate in 2024?

In answer to the simplest of questions, Blumenthal immediately went into a political propaganda crouch, while Lindsay Graham, sitting beside Blumenthal, smiled unashamedly.

Blumenthal: I’m gonna be very blunt and honest with you [the average politician’s prelude to being ambiguous and politically dodgy]. My focus is totally on this November, because I am running for re-election. Also, I think this November is going to determine how successful President Biden is in the next two years, and how strong he would be as a candidate. We need to elect more Democrat senators, to insure that he can appoint judges; he can achieve pro-choice legislation; he can continue the forward momentum of the economy, lower inflation. We are making tremendous progress. The Inflation Reduction Act is one example; veterans’ Burn Pit legislation, which I helped to lead…

Banks: Yes, and I’m about to ask you about that on one second. But your non-answer is going to likely be perceived as an intentional dodging. You won’t say, “Yes, I support President Biden.” Is that the way you want it to be?

Blumenthal: I will support President Biden…

Banks: You want him to run…

Blumenthal: If he decides he wants to run [Biden already has said he will run for President in 2024]. And I think his decision will be determined by how November ends for Democrats, the Democrat Party, and for senators like myself [sic] who are running for re-election.

At this point a smiling Graham said, without a hint of equivocation. “I would not support President Biden (titters). If Trump runs, I will support him (stony silence).”

A day before Connecticut’s primaries, Trump, rarely silent on Blumenthal, released a lengthy phone message supporting the candidacy of Leora Levy for U.S. Senator.

Now that the smoke and mirrors of Connecticut’s primary season have retreated into the background, the campaign for the U.S. Senate will begin in earnest. Blumenthal is no social moderate on the issue of abortion; he is, instead, Planned Parenthood’s cat’s-paw.

His operative economic principles are lifted from the left, and he certainly is not an economic moderate in the fashion of liberal President John F. Kennedy. Instead, Blumenthal, unsurprisingly, is a Democrat Party political fixture of 30 years standing, disgorging for public consumption any and every left of center idea that may help him to hold onto his seat in the U.S. Congress.

The Democrat Party just now is pivoting away from Biden’s reckless policies. And the pivot can be clearly detected in Blumenthal’s serpentine answer to Bank’s persistent questioning. Blumenthal, now cozying up to Graham on some positional points – in an attempt to lather himself with “moderation” should his party ever rediscover its liberal roots – has long since learned how to have his cake and eat it too.

Postmodern progressivism – never to be confused with the progressivism of Robert La Follette and Teddy Roosevelt, both Republicans – is strongly dependent upon the Marxian social architecture of such second rate political theorists as Antonio Gramsciwho believed that the best way to arrive at a Marxist endpoint in nations resistant to Marxism was to control and command cultural centers of power: lower and higher educational facilities, media outlets, easily refashioned historical narratives, political parties, subversive cultural groups that embrace terror as revolutionary spouse, violent brown-shirt organizations such as ANTIFA, and the cowardice of so called “moderate” politicians who fear to support and embrace what G. K. Chesterton used to call “the little platoons of democracy.”

“Connecticut Republicans,” CTMirror reported early Wednesday morning, “nominated Leora Levy for U.S. Senate on Tuesday, a day after Donald J. Trump urged voters to rally behind Levy and reject the party-endorsed favorite, former state House GOP leader Themis Klarides.” The party primary vote was Leora Levy 50.5 %, Themis Klarides 40.1%

Don Pesci is a political columnist of long standing, about 40 years, who has written for various state newspapers, among them The Journal Inquirer, the Waterbury Republican American, the New London Day, the Litchfield County Times, the Torrington Register Citizen and other Register Citizen papers. He maintains a blog, among the oldest of its kind in Connecticut, which serves as a repository and archive, for his columns; there are approximately 3,000 entrees in Connecticut Commentary: Red Notes From A Blue State, virtually all of them political columns stretching back to 2004. He also appears once a week Wednesdays on 1080 WTIC Newstalk radio with Will Marotti.

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Don Pesci

Don Pesci is a political columnist of long standing, about 40 years, who has written for various state newspapers, among them The Journal Inquirer, the Waterbury Republican American, the New London Day, the Litchfield County Times, the Torrington Register Citizen and other Register Citizen papers. He maintains a blog, among the oldest of its kind in Connecticut, which serves as a repository and archive, for his columns; there are approximately 3,000 entrees in Connecticut Commentary: Red Notes From A Blue State, virtually all of them political columns stretching back to 2004. He also appears once a week Wednesdays on 1080 WTIC Newstalk radio with Will Marotti.
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Blumenthal and Murphy are a national disgrace. I could add to this list, of course. Communist adherents, despicable "decision" making, they are both wrong on every issue.

I relish moving into my Vero Beach, FL home in 18 months. This place is well into the abyss without a hope of saving itself.

It only gets worse with each passing day on every front so this must be what the citizens want as they repeatedly vote for these horrific beings.

After 63 years of watching these animals ruin this state, by design, I've had enough. Good luck.

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