
Turkey Calls For Islamic Military Alliance Against Israel – Trump Says ‘I Better Win Or Israel Is Finished’

Image by President.ua

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Turkish President Recep Erdogan today called for an Islamic alliance against The Jewish State.

Israel is currently facing a serious threat from the north from the Iranian proxy army Hezbollah, the remnants of Hamas in Gaza, and the Houthis in Yemen, along with additional Shia forces in Syria.

The Turkish army is the largest in the region and would be a existential issue for Israel if Erdogan gets involved in the conflict.

WWIII is coming it seems.

Shades of the crusades, too.

President Trump during a campaign rally today declared that Israel is finished if he doesn’t win the election in November.

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Mad Celt September 8, 2024 at 7:27 am

Israel would not be ‘finished’ if Trump loses. Donald Trump is not Israels God, although he is for far too many Americans.

The Prisoner September 10, 2024 at 9:26 am

That is a cheap shot against Trump supporters.

Do you enjoy the invasion of the USA???

jack johnson September 8, 2024 at 11:14 am

Get rid of Netanyahoo before ‘Israel is finished’. It has been known that the Middle east belongs to the US. Recent incursions by Russia and China using their influence have set the stage for a large-scale war. This is why the US was so upset that Russia moved into Syria, now Russia has a rock-solid alliance with Iran.
To make things worse, you now have China brokering deals between Middle East countries….this is unacceptable to the US.

If Russia and China move into the Middle East where does that leave the US’s sphere of influence….the EU and Europe which is in severe decline? BRICS is already moved into Latin America, there isn’t much left for America to control.

A cornered dog is the one that will bite, the problem is that “dog” is now a Poodle, not a Pitbull.

bill53 September 9, 2024 at 12:26 pm

If it were left up to the majority of Americans, we would have nothing to do with the rest of the world. Most Americans don’t know what BRICS is and don’t care. What we here in the US need to do is get out of the UN and WHO. The rest of the world can kill each other to their heart’s content.

Jerry Mander September 8, 2024 at 4:10 pm

Israel has nukes, Erdogan The Insane has no nukes.

The Prisoner September 10, 2024 at 9:29 am

Trump is merely exploiting the weakness the dems have on the Israel issue. It is called campaigning.

Turkey is a key to the Ukraine war, since it controls the entry to the Black Sea. Lots of NATO nations have a problem with Israel’s aggression.


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