Is The Late Shimon Peres’ “New Middle East” Becoming A Reality?
A new prosperous and peaceful Middle East is possible, but not without one final round of bloodshed
A new prosperous and peaceful Middle East is possible, but not without one final round of bloodshed
The secular religious divide in Israel is a constant point of friction, but it is getting better
Lithuania, with its deep history of anti-Semitism and Nazi collaboration is divided over support for the Jewish State
Israel is an ultra-modern country with a traditional way of life
In any future conflict in Gaza and in Lebanon, Israel must commit to a full-scale deployment of ground forces. Is it ready? A new report suggests that there is work to be done.
Israeli navy successfully completes a live fire exercise simulating defense of its off-shore oil and gas infrastructure
Israeli PM Netanyahu faces imminent indictment for bribery, corruption, and breach of public trust
A nuclear Iran may be impossible to contain, given that its drive for regional hegemony is rooted deep in the extreme version of Shia Islam practiced by their leaders.
Consolidation of the Israeli left under a trio of military leaders may yet prove challenging to the right-wing block under the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu
Amnesty International publishes a report trying to shame online listing services into de-listing properties in Judea and Samaria to the detriment of Jews and Arabs alike