Madonna, perhaps to placate her shrinking fan base, is trying to sneak in an anti-Israeli sing into her Eurovision performance

Much effort has been expended by the Israeli promoters in charge of the upcoming Eurovision song contest in Tel Aviv to make it one of the brightest and shiniest international music events of the year. The last time Eurovision took place in Israel was in the 1980’s and the country is eager to showcase the remarkable progress it has enjoyed since then. A big part of that effort was the invitation extended to the aging pop star Madonna to appear in the warm-up show for the contest. Apparently, Madonna’s remuneration request was quite deep into the unreasonable range, but what’s money when national pride is at stake? The Jewish Canadian Billionaire Sylvan Adams agreed to pony up the dough and peace reigned in he Land of Israel.
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Or so everyone thought. Upon receiving Madonna’s list of numbers she is planning to do at the show, organizers were surprised and dismayed to find that it included a new song with a message that is “problematic” for Israel. At this time, opinions are split, with the head of the Israeli Eurovision governing body expressing the opinion that Madonna should enjoy artistic freedom and play what she likes, while the company in charge of the production, perhaps worried about its image in its home market of Israel and the damage that could be inflicted upon it if the biggest news from Eurovision were not be the wonderful production and great music, but rather a deep dive into the rough waters of the Israeli-Arab conflict, is rather uncertain how to proceed. Negotiations are ongoing, while a replacement opening number is already being finalized.
Perhaps it would work best if Mr. Adams’ money could be donated to the many charities that take care of wounded Israeli soldiers and their families and the opening number performed by one of the talented Israeli artists. Hopefully, that is what will happen.