
A Unique Cultural Happening In The Lower Galilee

A city in northern Israel honors its artists by staging a one-day studio tour

A still life by Ilana Lisogorsky

I have to admit to a certain bias when it comes to the Lower Galilee city of Karmiel. I grew up in Haifa not too far from there and my parents were among the pioneers of a brand new community called Tal-El only a few kilometers away. More than anything though, I remember Karmiel from my army days because it was then, what now seems like ages ago, the closest town to the base where the IDF squad commander school was located. In the middle of a war, barely able to keep my eyes open from lack of sleep, I remember looking at the limestone neighborhoods where families tried to live normal lives and knowing that it was all worth it.

A view on Karmiel from one of its parks

This Saturday, September 21st, between 10 AM and 7 PM Karmiel hosts a unique happening for its burgeoning artist community. The concept is one of accessibility and openness: the artists throw open their studio doors and their hearts alike, answering questions and talking about their creative process. Participating are plastic artists working in a number of media, among them glass, ceramics, wood, mosaic, and more. Visitors will have the opportunity to support the local artists by purchasing their works at prices that will only be available on this occasion. The city will provide special signage, creating a “treasure hunt” atmosphere that is guaranteed to be an unforgettable outing for the entire family.

A poppy necklace by Marina Glazman
Pendants by Elisheva Tzabar
A head with flowers by Yochi Shen-Tzur
Sculpture by Leonid Shechtman
Waterfowl by Rafi Ben Simon
A dream catcher by Sarah Enosh-Gozali
Vase with flowers by Ilana Lisogorsky

You can find further information in the event’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008479938310

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