
Materials Reborn: A Tel Aviv Solo Exhibition By Artist And Designer Jane Lebaton

Jane Lebaton, a native of Britain, acquired her education in Paris and continued her informal studies of art and design in London and Montreal. Lebton has been featured in group exhibitions over the years in all three cities.

Jane Lebaton is a designer and artist of contrasts. With her devotion to beauty and freedom, Lebton’s contrasts are formulated out of the use of recycled materials and obsessive repetition, with the help of motifs that represent the beauty of life which fades and disappears in her mind.

Through the design elements of concrete, Lebaton’s works simultaneously bring the viewer closer and farther away while shaping the illusion of aesthetic beauty, making it impossible to form a distinction between the inviting but also prickly furniture details.

In this exhibition, “OBSESSION,” Jane tries through the metamorphosis of discarded materials to create an illusion of beauty and aesthetics in furniture details that represent the unattainable. Lebaton obtains this through the help of the three motifs that run as the second theme in the exhibition: the chair, butterflies and letters.

The use of discarded materials and objects and the transformation they undergo under her hands in manual work at very repetitive paces has become an incessant obsession.

Disassembly, recycling, hand-cutting of tens of thousands of shapes, painting them over and over again until the color is absorbed and re-sewing, her works make up revitalized materials formed into an endless fabric of fragile but unattainable beauty.

The beautiful chairs are not for seating.

Butterflies, creatures full of charm, color, and lightness, undergo a worm-like metamorphosis into a beautiful production and disappear from the universe within a few weeks.

The letters are part of a monologue that Jane creates herself about her works, her fears and the angels and demons in her life.

Jane Lebaton, a native of Britain, acquired her education in Paris and continued her informal studies of art and design in London and Montreal. Lebaton has been featured in group exhibitions over the years in all three cities.

Curator: Ilana Carmeli Lenner

Exhibition: Periscope Gallery, 176 Ben Yehuda St., Tel Aviv

Lebaton’s Email: jane.labaton@gmail.com, Instagram: j.labaton

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