
“Perpetual Energy,” A Haifa Exhibition By Artist Daniel Shorkend

Shorkend describes thematic meaning through basic metaphysical structures through energetic and expressive colors. Hebrew letters, angels, prophets, a series concerning a soldier’s wife, and colorful spirals define the project

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The following was written by curator Shaked Shapira for the Chagall Artists’ House…

The artist Dr. Daniel Shorkend draws his inspiration from abstract expressionism, embracing flow through colored spots in a gesture of emotional materiality to the pulls of color and the act of painting itself.

Shorkend finds thematic meaning through basic metaphysical structures through energetic and expressive colors. Hebrew letters, angels, prophets, a series concerning a soldier’s wife, and colorful spirals define the project.

Both in the colorful background and in the painted symbols, it can be seen that Shorkend is acting with a constant energy.

Shorkend paints with reflections on language and knowledge from Judaism, from existential reality, from creation and from the world of knowledge that concerns the symbolism that always accompanies him in his soul and sensitivity.

Shorkend’s series “A Woman Soldier” gives expression to women who are painted with colorful energy and the power of leadership, next to the man who is a leader and full of inspiration. The woman is portrayed not only as a muse, but in her own dignity and power, a warrior and prophetess who ignites the flame of truth and resilience, and holds the key to the continued existence of Israel.

Shorkend writes: “Drawing from abstract expressionism, I embrace the flow, gesture, and emotional materiality of paint and the act of painting itself. This expressive potency is then given thematic meaning via basic metaphysical constructs: The Hebrew letters; the image of the sage or prophet and meditations on language and knowledge. The confluence of the technique of free, painterly expression and metaphysical content, combine to reveal both the emotional energy latent within the subject-matter and the intellectual ideas to which it refers. For it is these letters that are described as the building blocks of creation; it is our humanitas that imbues us in the likeness of the Creator and it is language and knowledge-systems that both assist us to understand nature -the garment of the Creator, as it were- and to rise beyond nature, suggesting alternative dimensions and states of being. It is the undying energy of the One that inheres in all such dimensions and consciousness itself.”

“The encounter of the technique of free painting with metaphysical content comes together to reveal the latent emotional energy in the intellectual subjects and ideas to which I refer and draw. For these ideas are the building blocks of creation and of knowledge systems. They help us to understand nature, which is the Creator’s garment, supposedly helping us to transcend nature, which offers alternative dimensions and situations. To be -this is the eternal energy of the one inherent in all these dimensions and in consciousness itself.”

  • Exhibition Location: Chagall Artists’ House, Sderot Hatzionut 24, Haifa
  • Curator: Shaked Shapira
  • Exhibition Opening: 1.7.2022, Closing: 2/4/2022
  • Artist’s Website

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