
Netanyahu Tapped By Israel’s President To Form Government After Deadlocked Election

Netanyahu Tapped By Israel's President To Form Government After Deadlocked Election
Reuven Rivlin
Image by
Mark Neyman

It looks like he’s held on after last week’s deadlocked election, prior rumors of his political death notwithstanding. Longtime Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been tapped by Israeli President Reuven Rivlin on Wednesday to form a new government.

The longest serving prime minister in Israel’s history has now been given 42 days to form the country’s next government; and if he fails, the opportunity will fall to his rival – Blue and White Party centrist Benny Ganz. Rivlin said that Israel doesn’t want more elections, something which could theoretically happen for a third time in only a year should neither Netanyahu nor Ganz be successful…

To read more visit Zero Hedge.

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