
Houthi’s Destroyed Cargo Ship Rubymar And Caused Environmental Disaster

Remember, it’s never about the ‘thing’, like the environment, it’s always about the revolution…

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Below is a video of the Yemen coast. The Belize-flagged cargo ship ‘Rubymar’ was hit by a Houthi anti-ship missile, and sunk to the bottom of the Red Sea on Feb 18th of this year. It was carrying a load of fertilizer. An oil slick was seen in the area after the sinking of the vessel.

The development seems to be an nvironmental catastrophe in the making.  

Remember, it’s never about the environment, black lives, or George Floyd.

It’s always about the revolution.

The local fishing economy will be heavily impacted in a bad way.

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1 comment

Htos1av March 9, 2024 at 7:59 am

EVERYONE KNOWS this was caused by white US yuppies driving Ford Explorers in the 80’s and 90’s!!!!!!!!!


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