
War Crimes: Zionist Or Islamist?

A house in Sderot , Israel hit by Qassam rocket
Image by Oren Rosenfeld

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Guest post by Andrew G. Benjamin

Of the current Arab-Israeli conflict’s 4350 rockets the terrorist group HAMAS launched at Israel in an unprovoked attack, with the aim of killing and maiming Palestinian Jews, 400 or more exploded in Gaza killing Palestinian Arabs. 

These misguided explosives fell back to earth in Gaza – which may have been the intended target. Killing unknown numbers of Palestinian children has always been a successful strategy for the media’s cameras and for the tearjerkers the media’s target. The media was ecstatic with the results of the Palestinian’s brilliance, and reported on Israeli war crimes launched by Palestinian Sunni Muslims, financed by Qatar’s Sunni Muslims, with weapons manufactured by Iran’s Shia Muslims, financed by Barack Obama and his Democrat Muslims

Apparently, “WE ARE THE WORLD,” and the political left are one with the Muslim Brotherhood. This makes the “We” a coherent whole.



Someone can be blamed for the carnage. It might as well be Israel that didn’t start the war.

The self-inflicted injuries to Gaza’s captive Arabs were not included among the hundreds of other children victimized by their own, packed into HAMAS’ military installations, to serve as human shields. These kids died in “friendly fire.”  That’s the story about which the media has no interest.

HAMAS’ blowing up their own children was just as “friendly” as when they set fire to Jewish children trying to enjoy Shavuot dinner. 

Shavuot is the ancient Jewish holiday that commemorates the giving of the Moral Code at Mount Sinai, otherwise known as the 10 Commandments.

These days the global community led by the George Soros-Obama-Biden-Clinton-EU cabal understand G-d’s Moral Code in the WOKE language where words have no meaning: 

When the Muslims are doing the killing and Jews are doing the dying, all is well with the world. 

When Jews die in an unprovoked military attack, when innocent Jewish children are murdered and maimed, when Palestinian “Freedom Fighters,”aka” Jihadis, use their own children and AP reporters as HUMAN SHIELDS, all is well with the world. 

The above does not constitute a WAR CRIME. 

When the Jews do the killing, and the Arabs are doing the dying however, all is not well with the world. 

When Israeli fighters avoid, as much as humanly possible, harm to innocent civilians, it is Israeli self defense that constitutes a WAR CRIME

That’s when the righteous Euros and Americans wearing hijabs, eyes and hearts filled with rage at the mere sight of Jewish survival, mass righteously into the streets to march against Jewish self defense. That’s when the MEPs of the European Parliament and the Jihad Squad rise to end Jewish Existence as soon as possible, and give the Islamic Jihadis the media victory.

Their slogan? Stop Jewish self-defense now, and make it once again all well in the world. 

The unprovoked launch of 4350 rockets over a local municipality’s housing problem with the aim of blowing up Jews is not a war crime. 

Now that you understand what is, or is not, a War Crime, we Move On dot Org.

So what really happened at the AP media offices the Israelis demolished in a bombing raid? What kind of media facilities existed in that building? 


“We have had no indication Hamas was in the building or active in the building,” AP president and CEO Gary Pruitt said in a statement. “This is something we actively check to the best of our ability. We would never knowingly put our journalists at risk.” 

He said he was “shocked and horrified that the Israeli military would target and destroy the building housing AP’s bureau and other news organizations in Gaza.”

But a 2014 article in The Atlantic written by a journalist in the region described a history between the news agency and Hamas and critics took to social media to cast doubt on Pruitt’s assertion.

“@AP didn’t know about sharing a building w/ Hamas for 15 years?!?” tweeted Gabe Hoffman, producer of the documentary “An Open Secret.”

Noah Pollack, a contributor to the Free Beacon, said in a tweet: “Spoke to a well-placed friend in the IDF just now. The bombed AP office building contained multiple Hamas operations & offices including weapons manufacturing and military intelligence. The building also housed an Islamic Jihad office. And AP’s local reporters knew about it.” 



The IDF, those cheeky bastards hanging on to their guns and bibles, threatened HAMAS’ innocent saints with a ground invasion of GAZA. 

Taken seriously by the “good guys” (I mean HAMAS’ SOLDIERS OF G-D, not the Israelis), prompted the faithful screaming ALLAHU AKHBAR! to soil their diapers and evacuate their above ground facilities. Hundreds of them promptly scattered into the 60 miles of tunnels HAMAS dug across GAZA over two decades, with money donated to them by Barack Obama and Joe Biden, funded by the Democrats and the EU.

(As it were, the entire Palestinian narrative is Jihad, as one PLO bigwig stated plainly here. But never mind, the WOKE have joined the Jihad in the US Congress and the media, because they’ve found a cause. They are offended by Jewish existence!)

In a 40 minute fusillade of rockets and bombs bearing the deeper meaning of Social Justice incorporated in The Lord’s Wrath, the IDF’s “war criminals” entombed hundreds of these saints-now-martyrs, our great Soldiers of Allah whose entire existence, unlike Israel’s, was a benefit to mankind. 

In a re-enactment of pharaoh-era Egypt plagues that came thousands of years before, disturbing the Hebrews then-Shavuot dinners, these HOLY “freedom fighters” were buried under 20 feet of desert rocks into a tomb of their own digs. 

If irony had a better child, I would name him Trayvon.

The unbelievable tragedy and a loss to humanity was reported in the SUN:

Hamas fighters scurried to grab hidden weapons to prepare for an expected surge of Israeli troops.

But the tweet was fake, and devastating bunker-buster air strikes then rained down on 150 targets.

Scores are believed to have died as the tunnels, dubbed The Hamas Metro, were smashed by 450 missiles in 40 minutes

More than 160 aircraft led the assault and top brass announced a “complex” operation had been a success.”

For readers who have a deep hatred of Jews, Jewish innovation, Jewish smarts, Jewish beauty, Jewish exceptionalism and excellence, Jewish invention and the Jewish commitment to making yours a better world, to Jewish medicine that has for centuries saved the lives of your ancestors and your families, and to Jewish charity which constitutes 2% of the US population and 30%of all charitable contributions, please accept my deepest condolences.

The wars will end when the hatred of Jews ends. 

Until that day the Jews will fight back and prevail, and the Palestinian people will suffer not under the boots of the Israelis who give them electricity, food, medicine and health care – and hope for a better life – but HAMAS’s Islamic Jihad.

Andrew G. Benjamin is a real estate and tax specialist, equities trader, a former economic advisor to New York city mayor Rudy Giuliani; serving on the transition team’s Subcommittee on Taxation, Finance and the Budget. Benjamin also wrote extensively about intelligence, economic issues, the Mideast, terrorism, technology, high end audio and transnational politics.

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guy harvey June 4, 2021 at 10:56 pm

excellent article. I almost did something I haven’t done in 64 yrs, pee myself. really?? trayvon? had me laughing.

SomewhereInMT June 6, 2021 at 12:20 pm

Most people who have been brainwashed by the MSM can’t handle the truth and will stop reading early in the Article if they see it going against the narrative.


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