
Secular American Jews Further Their Journey As The New Lost Tribe, No Longer Jews – American Jews ‘Outraged’ Over Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade Overturn

“Violates our rights as Jews to freely practice our religion” • “A direct violation of American values and Jewish tradition”

They were alone, and afraid. Aaron had been left in charge ofthem; therefore they came to Aaron, clamorous, demand-ing that he give them something to worship. 

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American Jewish organizations condemned the US Supreme Court’s Friday decision to overturn the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that recognized a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion and legalized it nationwide.

The National Council of Jewish Women vowed to “continue to fight” following the overturning of Roe vs Wade.

CEO Sheila Katz said the decision is a “moral failure” that will “put lives at risk…”

To read more visit The Jerusalem Post.

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1 comment

pc_PHAGE July 7, 2022 at 8:50 am

Yes, women are mad because their right to human sacrifice has been restricted.
On the matter of Secular American Jews, this article by the well-known Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky is interesting…
“The Un-Jews: The Jewish attempt to cancel Israel and Jewish Peoplehood”.
My term for these secular types is Leftists of Jewish Descent.
Barush Pletner has referred to them as “JINO” = Jews In Name Only.


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