Science & Technology

Is There any Doubt Now That Israel Is Destroying Itself? Citizens Told To Get Ready For 4th Shot

Image by CarlSerafino

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As we’ve been detailing of late, the goalposts in ultra-vaxxed Israel keep perpetually moving after health authorities’ recent initiative to demand all citizens get a third COVID jab. This even as this past week witnessed the small Mediterranean country reach yet more daily case records

Despite the WHO coming out against countries giving their populations booster shots at this point, Israel has as of Friday issued a third dose to 2.5 million Israelis. Given the likelihood that this too will fail to blunt the growing numbers of infections, naturally the question is: so what next? 

You can’t make this up, health authorities are providing this “answer”: “Israel’s national coronavirus czar on Saturday called for the country to begin making preparations to eventually administer fourth doses of the coronavirus vaccine,” The Times of Israel reports…

To read more visit Zero Hedge.

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1 comment

pc_PHAGE September 20, 2022 at 7:25 pm

The Israeli Left and everything it controls is under “occupation” by American Jews.
American Jews are the Un-Jews of Natan Sharansky.
These “Un-Jews” are punching beyond their weight in the American power structure.
They are mainly Leftist Globalists and fill many of the top spots in the Biden Administration and elsewhere in American Society.
RINOs like McCarthy, McDonnell and their supporters are allied with the Globalist Deep-State and are submissive to the Democrats.
They all have helped make America into a potential failed state.
The November Midterms will show if America’s slide into chaos continues.
the Israeli covid vaccination program is an existential threat to Israel’s future.
Israel has one of the highest vaccination rates.
That means if the covid vaccines are as dangerous as some scientists say; Israel will be hard put to field a healthy army when the next war starts.
It is a given that Hezbollah and Iran will start a war if they think Israel has crippled itself.


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