
The Big Lie: Behind The Scenes Of Angela Merkel’s And The Globalists’ Attack On Free Speech

What Herzl’s clairvoyance and his quixotic attempt to save the European Jewry from genocide teach us is that there are no happy endings when all the wrong bets are made. There will be no better outcome for the situation that exists in Europe today than there was back in 1933 when Hitler came to power in Germany, and the likely outcome will be much worse.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a leader in the globalist movement is doubling down on police state tactics
Copyright: Christoph Braun [CC0]

The Zionist movement began when one man, the Jewish-Austrian Journalist Theodor Herzl came to the realization that European Jews would have to be evacuated from Europe and specifically Eastern Europe, or else they would be genocided. His eureka moment came no less than four decades before this genocide actually happened and the safe harbor he had envisioned for them was ready only a few short years later. Still too late.

Herzl was not a psychic, nor was he a time traveler. He was simply a level-headed and well-informed guy who understood human nature and who, being at once a Westerner, a European, and Jew, knew his subject matter: the vast unassimilated ocean of Jews who lived in parts of the Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, and Russian Empires, often comprising very significant fractions of the general population.

Herzl understood that the friction between the Jews and the Gentiles in many of these places was reaching the point of no return and coupled with the terminal weakness of all three empires, all of which would disappear by 1919, the situation was both unsustainable and explosive. Herzl dared to follow the cardinal rule that Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle put in his character Sherlock Holmes’ mouth: when you eliminate the impossible, the one thing that remains is the truth (paraphrasing).

Herzl eliminated the twin impossible scenarios: Mass conversion and/or assimilation of millions of Jews who didn’t even speak the languages of the Gentiles in whose midst they had lived for centuries and continuation of the status quo in which a large and ever growing body of foreigners, people who looked different, spoke a different language, and practiced a different religion would be grudgingly accepted by the general population.

Once the impossible scenarios were eliminated, the only remaining one became true: the sporadic violence against Jews, sometimes government-sanctioned, rarely government-opposed, known as “pogroms” would increase until it reached genocidal proportions and the Eastern European Jewry would be lost to genocide, or what we today would call ethnic cleansing. The only way to avoid that unprecedented massacre, would be the mass evacuation of over ten million Jews from Eastern Europe before it was to late.

The movement that Herzl started was supposed to prepare a safe haven for these Jews and when the State of Israel declared it’s independence on May 14, 1948, Herzl’s dream finally come true. Unfortunately, so did his nightmare; most of the people he set out to save were slaughtered in the biggest incident of genocidal ethnic cleansing to date: the Holocaust. Incredibly, most of this unprecedented slaughter took place only five to four years before the Jewish safe haven in our historial homeland was ready to receive them.

Where is today’s Herzl? I wish we had one, because the situation in Europe is beginning to look very similar today to what it was in the early 20th century, except now it is Western Europe that is the stage and Muslims rather than Jews who are the protagonists of the soon to unfold nightmare.

In Western Europe today, specifically in Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, Holland, and Germany, there are over ten million Muslims. These are people who look different and behave differently than the rest of the population. They have a vastly different culture that is based on a set of principles that is diametrically opposed to those of indigenous Western Europeans. Over two and three generations, they have shown no desire to assimilate into the European culture and the Europeans among whom they live have shown no inclination to help them do so.

The passage of time does not heal all wounds, as they erroneously say, but it changes them, often for the worse. This is the situation in Europe. Successive generations of European Muslims are less integrated into the European culture, less accepted by their indigenous neighbors, and are less accepting of them. As indigenous Europeans accelerate their departure from the tenets of their own Abrahamic faith, Christianity, their Muslim “guests” become more. not less religious and are adopting a more, not less fundamentalist version of their own Abrahamic religion: Islam. As indigenous Europeans sink ever deeper into barren nihilism and cease to reproduce, Muslims in Europe have more and more children, all supported by the wealth that is produced by their barren hosts.

What are the possible scenarios here? Will indigenous Europeans ever accept their Muslim neighbors as full members in their societies? On paper, of course. In reality, not a chance. A Khan will never be British, and a Moussawi will never be French anymore than a Goldberg could have ever been Polish. In Canada to this very day there are two peoples and two peoples only: English and French. The Canadian passport that both of them sport is nothing but a material possession, a convenience. In Quebec, if your name is “English” you can forget about any government job or corporate advancement even if you speak French like Molliere.

Human nature is tribal and if there is one thing that we are always 100% certain of even if we are ashamed to admit it, is who belongs to our tribe and who does not. I was born in Ukraine where my family had lived for at least three centuries. Not for one second have I thought of myself as Ukrainian and neither did anyone else, from my schoolmates to my teachers, to simple passerby on the streets of Kiev.

Will Muslims want to assimilate into the European culture? Will they be allowed to by their indigenous neighbors? The answers to these questions are as resoundingly negative today as they were 120 years ago when Herzl asked them about the Jews.

What then?

In a reversal of the situation with Eastern European Jews, what we are witnessing today across Western Europe is a series of mini and sometimes not so mini pogroms which the guest population, the Muslims, perpetrate against the indigenous population. As the cultural divide between the two populations grows in tandem with the fraction of Muslims in the total population, these attacks, these pogroms, will grow in both frequency and severity.

What Herzl could see, what he did not avert his eyes from, was that Eastern Europeans and Jews, having coexisted, though uncomfortably, for close to half a millennium, could do so no more. Since the Europeans weren’t going anywhere, the Jews would have to: either home to the Holy Land, or to unmarked graves. History showed us, alas, how right he was.

Europeans and Muslims have now been coexisting not for half a millennium, but less than half a century and already their coexistence is proving utterly untenable. The only possible outcome is the same outcome as the one that transpired not so long ago and which took the lives of both my grandfathers.

This is the truth that Angela Merkel, no stranger to the events of 1939 – 1945 fully understands and this is what she is so desperate to hide from the public. This is the reason, the only reason, for her panicked speech just the other day in which she said that we “must regulate” our words and even our thoughts, lest we lose our freedom. Merkel is deathly scared of what is about to happen and she has every right to be. Her own actions in admitting to her country millions of people who will never adopt its ways and would never be accepted even if they did, hastened the outcome she is so much afraid of.

Alas, Merkel is no Herzl. Unlike him, she cannot bear to look the truth in the eye, share it with the world and come up with a plan to make things better. Instead, her plan is to use the only weapon she is intimately familiar with from both Nazi Germany and East Germany, the weapon of the totalitarian police state. She is trying to use this weapon to stop Germany from devolving into, to borrow from Herzl again, an Alt-Neu, an old-new, version of itself, a murderous version that will engage in yet another genocide and plunge the world into yet another, third, world war.

Merkel of course is not alone. She is only one leader in a globalist movement that is in control of most of the West, though its supremacy is now being challenged in the US. This movement is the definition of Greek tragedy because it was created immediately after the Holocaust by people on both sides of the Atlantic to stop a new one from occurring, but what it actually managed to do is usher into the world yet another Holocaust, one that will soon be upon us.

Herzl, in choosing the solution of reestablishing for the Jews their national home, bet on human nature. The globalists, with their forced migrations, selective cultural suppression, and the forced effacement of borders and national identities have bet against it. A bet against human nature is as sure to fail as a bet against the sun rising in the east, so here we are. The die was cast and the people who cast it know nothing but doubling and tripling down on their losing bet.

What Herzl’s clairvoyance and his quixotic and oh so nearly successful attempt to save the European Jewry from genocide teach us is that there are no happy endings when all the wrong bets are made. There will be no better outcome for the situation that exists in Europe today than there was back in 1933 when Hitler came to power in Germany, and the likely outcome will be much worse.

Forget about Merkel and her buddies, they are done. Listen to Herzl instead. Things are going to go horribly bad, more so for some than for others. Prepare before it is too late.

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spartacus December 1, 2019 at 3:53 pm

mankind has learned nothing from it’s history … so it will be repeated … our “CREATOR” warned us … we chose not to listen … nothing has changed …

Lam December 2, 2019 at 2:10 am

It was a good article , but the author is wrong about the ‘intentions’ of the western rulers after WWII ;
” Merkel of course is not alone. She is only one leader in a globalist movement that is in control of most of the West, though its supremacy is now being challenged in the US. This movement is the definition of Greek tragedy because it was created immediately after the Holocaust by people on both sides of the Atlantic to stop a new one from occurring, but what it actually managed to do is usher into the world yet another Holocaust, one that will soon be upon us. ”

The Globalists have been around a very long time , They are The Euro Royal Satanic Pedophile Houses , and The Central Banking Families , and they have always been pushing towards a One World New/Ancient Feudal/Corporate Tyranny Order .

The writer is either hiding this fact purposefully , or he is deluded .

greggferris December 3, 2019 at 10:46 am

Moliere only has one L

Staff December 3, 2019 at 11:08 am

Thank you, sincerely. I will fix the error.


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