
Who Is Really In Charge In Israel: The People Or The Global Elites? This Day Will Bring The Answer

In just a few hours the Israeli Supreme Court will decide if incumbent PM Netanyahu’s political career is essentially over

The Israeli Supreme Court building with the Knesset in the background: the latter the house of the people, the former, an enclave of progressive globalism.
Copyright: israeltourism [CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)]

Today, the last day of the 70th full year and the seventh decade of renewed Jewish independence in the Holy Land will bring with it the answer to the question who is really in charge in the Jewish state: globalist elites via their rich, Ashkenazi (read white), highly educated yet idle lackeys, or the real Israelis. The real Israelis who live real lives, do real work, who do not care if your skin is white, olive or black, if you wear a kippah or not. The Israelis who kiss the mezuzah, the little box on their door jambs with the parchment scroll imploring them to remember Him and then drive to the beach on the Sabbath. The Israelis who love everyone, but put on IDF uniforms and take up arms and endure every hardship to defend their one and only country.

Today, the Israeli Supreme Court whose justices have a lifetime of appointments behind closed doors by unelected committees and who are all part and parcel of the globalist elites will decide if a member of the Knesset who is under indictment can be tasked by the president to form a government. Should they decide in the negative, it would mean that incumbent PM Netanyahu who is the subject of three spurious indictments that were tailor made by the Israeli elites to bypass the Israeli voter and get rid of him via the judicial system, will be effectively enjoined from leading the Likud into the March 2nd election. Such a decision would take away the votes, cast only last week of 60 thousand Likud party members who made their preferences clear as to who should lead the Likud and it will make the election itself rather pointless; the globalist elites will have already won.

The assault on the Israeli people by the progressive globalist elites has been pervasive in recent years precisely because Israel has become the model for a successful ethnocentric yet modern polity that with every day of its existence, with every innovation, with every marker of leadership in technology, science, and business, with every successful military operation shows the world the emptiness of the claims of progressive globalist ideology of having a lock on human happiness and worldly success.

This assault is reaching its crescendo today in a somber building in Jerusalem that is the seat of the Israeli Supreme Court. A decision against the Israeli people will tear the country apart and take away their ability to freely choose their leader. It will make a mockery of the Israeli democracy by making it clear to the Israeli people that just like in Iran they can only choose among leaders who have been approved by the real rulers of the land, in other words, they have no choice at all.

A decision that will effectively end Mr. Netanyahu’s political career through spurious charges advanced by a corrupt, bought and paid for Israeli department of justice and court system will give the world globalists a great victory in a decade of defeats and it will wound, perhaps mortally, the only country in the world in which Jews can be both proudly Jewish and truly safe.

Mr. Netanyahu has expressed confidence yesterday that the Supreme Court will not allow itself to be used by interests that attempt to manipulate it from outside of Israel’s borders and would remain true to its calling as the highest court for all Israelis. He did so while calling off a dramatic appearance at 8 PM Israel time in which he was presumably going to announce his decision on whether to invoke his parliamentary immunity against the charges that had been brought against him. If he chooses to do so, the Knesset will have to form a subcommittee that would debate and decide whether parliamentary immunity from prosecution is warranted in his case and whether he should be granted his request to receive it. If he does and if the Supreme Court decides that he cannot form a government while under indictment, this will set the stage for an unprecedented constitutional crisis in Israel.

It appears that Mr. Netanyahu wishes to let the globalists via their mouthpiece the Supreme Court go first, before making his countermove in the political arena of the Knesset, an arena in which he is an unmatched master. Stay tuned to these pages to learn what the decision is and where Israel is headed, but as for me, I would not like to be on the other side of the Israeli people when they are set upon by enemies who speak their language yet harbor them nothing but ill will. Let the Supreme Court Justices decide wisely guided by His hand.

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