
US Allies Face America’s Revolutionary People’s Army

US Allies Face America’s Revolutionary People’s Army
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III
Image by U.S. Secretary of Defense

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During his Senate confirmation hearing, Defense Secretary General Lloyd Austin gave an ominous description of how he viewed the Pentagon’s mission. He began his statement blandly enough.

“The job of the Defense Department is to keep America safe from our enemies,” he said.

He immediately added, however, “But we can’t do that if some of those enemies live within our ranks.”Upon entering the Pentagon a week later, Austin issued a 60-day stand-down order to all units in the U.S. Armed Forces to enable commanders to deal with “the enemies within our ranks…”

To read more visit Jewish News Syndicate.

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chumley ortega July 13, 2021 at 8:37 pm

Comrade Austin,
The ones “living in our ranks” are the ones you’re enabling– not the ones you’re inventing.

Brian Foust July 17, 2021 at 7:35 pm

exactly….look in the mirror Mr Austin…..THIS IS OUR COUNTRY, be the man you are suppose to be….dont bend to peer pressure….you dont want to see the real America pissed off more than it is and we dont take prisoners

John Moody July 19, 2021 at 1:49 am

How do we not know he’s just a racist that hates white people? He looks like he’s never missed a lunch, that’s for sure.

Walkin O'Shea July 19, 2021 at 10:14 pm

Mr. Austin, you are the enemy living within our ranks.


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