

Vice President Joe Biden greets President Shimon Peres of Israel prior to lunch in the Cabinet Room of the White House, June 25, 2014

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Reports are circulating that Israel has warned its embassies and other diplomatic missions to be on high alert for possible Iranian attacks.

There has been an arrest regarding a plot alleged to have targeted Israeli business people in Cypress for assassination. 

In fact, the National Security Council did warn the Israelis of possible attacks against their interests overseas earlier this year.

There was a bombing attack near the Israeli Embassy in India in January.

So why are the Iranians now more emboldened?

The January attack in India coincided with the month during which a new and softer President was being inaugurated.

Joe Biden is, in fact, is in the process of restoring negotiations on the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, and will no doubt cave to Iranian demands and further create potential harm perpetrated by Iran against the State of Israel.

The Iranian Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian was quoted on Wednesday as saying: “We are now finalizing consultations on this matter and will soon restore our negotiations in Vienna.”

There is a total lack of understanding by the Biden team that Iran is run by a despotic fanatical religious regime. They intend to control the Middle East as they were given the freedom to do by Obama. Now Biden intends to complete the task.

How can an elected administration in a free society as we are even consider negotiating with this ruthless pathological regime?

The answer is found in recent Biden policy. He actually negotiated with the Taliban as our partners in the ending of our stay in Afghanistan. So why not cooperate with another ruthless, murderous regime in Tehran?

The problem is that this soft on Iran policy has led to the deep concerns for Israel as noted above.

Iran has as its stated policy the destruction of Israel and they mean it.

We also know that when Biden met with Prime Minister Bennett on August 27th, he requested Israel show restraint in building communities on the West Bank. These communities are actually a source of protection from attacks on the West Bank and serve an important purpose.

Michael Ratney is the most senior envoy in Israel representing the United States. He has expressed concern to the Israeli government about any possible construction in an area near Jerusalem.

There is no doubt that the weakness of the Biden policies makes it clear to Iran that they can test Biden by potential attacks on Israeli foreign missions. What Ali Khamenei is thinking clearly encourages these attacks because, in the end, what will Biden do?

Would he come to Israel’s defense and support reprisals against Iran? If you believe he would, consider his betrayal of our Afghan partners.

Israel must not depend on the Biden Administration, but even more than in the past, rely on its own power and strength to do what is necessary to deter Iran from its mischief.

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid is scheduled to meet with Secretary of State Anthony Blinken this week. Let us hope that the Minister can bring an urgent sense of reality to the Biden-Blinken view of the Middle East. We can only hope.

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Jeremy Peatman December 19, 2021 at 8:55 pm

The obiden administration is nothing but a cruel joke on Americans

DAV April 16, 2022 at 4:37 am

It’s simple: Lie-beral Demonocrats are not qualified to run our country. They DO know how to run it into the ground.

DAV October 8, 2022 at 6:10 am

Concerning this present article on Obiden: I believe that some people, either consciously or sub-consciously, want to bring about the end of the world. It’s the underlying evil spirit that has infiltrated people and country. He has warned of a nuclear war because he knows he has helped set it into motion.


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