
Breaking: Over 200 Leading Israeli Rabbis Are Preparing A Letter To President Trump Praising Him For “Helping Realize The Prophecies Of Jeremiah”

Israeli religious leaders offer thanks to President Trump for his action legitimizing the Jewish resettlement of Judea and Samaria.

President Trump praying at the Western Wall of the Second Temple in Jerusalem
Copyright: Ángel O Aray 2005 [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)]

Israeli religious right website srugim.co.il, which is affiliated with the Zionist stream of orthodox Judaism whose members prefer to wear knit skullcaps (hence the site’s name) is reporting at this time that leading Israeli rabbis are finalizing a letter addressed to President Trump. The letter praises him for his “courageous decision” to recognize that Jews living in their ancestral homelands of Judea and Samaria are not in violation of any international laws, thus reversing an American policy position that has been in force since the Carter administration.

The rabbis ad that President Trump will be forever remembered as someone who has stood on the front lines without fear and by doing so has helped realize the prophecies of the prophet Jeremiah who predicted that one day Jews will reassemble themselves from their places of exile and once again thrive in their ancient homeland of Israel.

The letter places President Trump in the long chain of events that started with Jeremiah’s prophecy, made over 25 centuries ago when the northern kingdom of Israel and its ten tribes were long since gone and the small kingdom of Judea with the two remaining tribes was about to succumb to a similar fate. While not shying away from predicting the horrors of the impending destruction and exile, Jeremiah who himself was of royal blood and part of the priesthood, prophesied that Israel will one day rise again from the ashes and its people will once again settle in the hills around his hometown of Jerusalem under their own banner.

It took two and a half millennia, but we, our generation, the rabbis say in the letter, have merited to see with our own eyes the culmination of that prophecy. They address president Trump directly, offering him the opinion that he, through his actions, is the recipient of a special merit as someone who has made a major contribution to seeing Jeremiah’s prophecy come alive in our generation and in his.

Over 200 rabbis have so far signed the letter and it will be delivered to the White House in the next few hours.

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