Voting remotely on a US proposed resolution to extend an arms embargo on the Islamic Republic of Iran over nuclear weapons development, the 15 permanent and non-permanent member security council is predicted to vote against the resolution.
Meeting with head of the Vienna based UN-commanded International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, Pompeo explained that Iranian resistance to IAEA inspection of their nuclear facilities composes one part of the US’s reasoning behind the calls for an embargo renewal.
“’That mission is all the more important given the Islamic Republic of Iran’s failure to address the IAEA’s questions about its nuclear activities,’ Pompeo said. ‘The international community must speak with a single voice: Iran must provide full, transparent and immediate cooperation with the IAEA,'” reported the Associated Press.
“Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Grossi said Iran had still not granted his agency access to certain sites. ‘I requested Iran to grant us access,’ he said. ‘This hasn’t happened yet, but we are working, we’re working on that. My objective is to get this access to continue the verification work, which is essential for the international community,'” Grossi said, reported The Times of Israel.
Despite the Trump Administration’s move to pull out of the Obama era ‘Iran nuclear deal’ in 2018, many American allies including those in Europe have not followed suit, with many criticizing the decision.
“Our governments remain committed to ensuring the agreement is upheld, and will work with all the remaining parties to the deal to ensure this remains the case including through ensuring the continuing economic benefits to the Iranian people that are linked to the agreement,” former British Prime Minister Theresa May, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a joint statement, reported The Hill.
Despite ally and Democrat pushback, the decision to pull out of the deal was a core promise of the Trump Campaign since 2016.
“It didn’t bring calm, it didn’t bring peace, and it never will,” Trump said, reported The Hill.
The resolution is predicted to fail due to a lack of support from key European allies, China and Russia who hold veto power as permanent members of the security council. Furthermore, it is predicted the resolution won’t receive the nine votes required for China and or Russia to use their veto power.
If the resolution fails, a showdown could likely ensue between the major powers over whether sanctions lifted under the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal should be renewed. Speaking earlier in the day before the results of the vote predicted to be released in the afternoon, Pompeo called allowing Iran to buy and sell weapons as “nuts”.