
Hamas Leader Calls On Biden To Abandon Trump’s “Deal Of The Century”

Image by Godot13

The head of the Political Bureau of the Hamas Movement, Ismail Haniyeh, said that new president-elect Joe Biden, should change the course of the Palestine-Israeli conflict and abandon the policies of Donald Trump.

Haniyeh said in a press statement on Saturday: “The unjust policies against our people have made the United States a partner in injustice and aggression, and damaged the state of stability in the region and the world, and prevented the American ability to be a central party in resolving conflicts.”

Haniyeh called on the elected administration to “retreat from the so-called deal of the century and cancel the decision to consider Jerusalem as the capital of the occupation and to transfer the American embassy to it in a manner that contradicts all international positions and decisions…”

To read more visit Zero Hedge.

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