
Israeli Ship Targeted In Gulf Of Oman Blast As Officials Point Finger At Iran

Israeli Ship Targeted In Gulf Of Oman Blast As Officials Point Finger At Iran
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It’s been confirmed that the earlier ‘mystery’ blast of a ship in the Gulf of Oman took place on the Israeli-owned cargo ship Helios Ray. Israel is already reportedly looking at possible Iranian involvement as tensions rise between both countries over the Islamic Republic’s alleged nuclear program.

“Officials from the security firm Dryad that was securing the ship are reportedly looking into the possibility of Iranian military being involved in the mysterious incident, suspicions that have increased among Israeli security officials investigating the incident,” Bloomberg reports. 

It’s owned by Tel Aviv-based Ray Shipping. The crew is said to be safe as the vessel heads to the nearest port to assess damage…

To read more visit Zero Hedge.

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1 comment

Huapakechi February 27, 2021 at 10:03 am

Thes ignorant moslems keep trying to start another war they will lose.


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