
Mossad Chief Headed To Washington To Lobby Biden Admin Against Rejoining The Iran Nuclear Deal

The President Reuven Rivlin, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and head of Mossad, Yossi Cohen, present certificates of merit to twelve outstanding employees of the national intelligence agency in 2016

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Israeli Mossad intelligence chief, Yossi Cohen, is due to travel to Washington this week to push the Biden administration to back out of a renewal of the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal, reported Israeli television station, Channel 13 News.

The first high-profile meeting with Israeli officials since the start of the Biden administration’s tenure, the chief reportedly will present evidence revealing Iranian deception in regards to the extent of its nuclear program development, in an effort to persuade the Biden admin to drop the deal and maintain sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

Committed to “stand independently” against Iranian aggression, the Israelis have recently made it clear their fierce opposition towards an American reentry into the 2015 deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

The Biden administration has stated their willingness to drop sanctions against Iran if the regime returns to compliance within the terms of the original deal. However, the Iranians are continuing to demand the US drop all sanctions before the regime returns to compliance.

Despite rising tensions in the Middle East as Iran continues to violate terms of the agreementl, world powers met with the regime in Vienna this week with the intention towards restarting the JCPOA.

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