
Biden Tells Israel It’s Cyber Actions Against Iran Nuclear Program Are Embarrassing

Biden Tells Israel It's Cyber Actions Against Iran Nuclear Program Are Embarrassing
Image by Markusszy

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The Biden administration has turned to Israel several times in the past few days, asking that it stops commenting on Iran, N12 reported Friday evening.

According to the report, the Biden administration feels “uneasy” regarding the recent Israeli operation in Natanz, referring to recent Israeli chatter regarding the attack as “dangerous” and “embarrassing.”

The White House repeated the message several times, claiming that the constant reports from Israeli officials regarding Iran have hindered the negotiations taking place between the Washington and Tehran on a possible new nuclear agreement…

To read more visit The Jerusalem Post.

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Hapapuu April 17, 2021 at 11:17 pm

Biden is embarrassing America and threatening stability that Trump had achieved for the first time in history. Obviously Biden doesn’t want stability, or he is afraid his mommy won’t protect him, or maybe he is just plain stupid or inept.

Renee R April 18, 2021 at 12:01 am

Ok. We need to make a phone call to every country and apologize for our installed, fake president who has an addled-Dementia brain and ask them to please excuse us for a bit while we kick their collective arses out.

James kamau April 18, 2021 at 3:57 am

Israel is a Nation with God.We fully support them to destroy all nuclear weapons of Iran but spare all Iranian citizens.It is only Israel that should have nuclear weapons to scare away their multiple enemies because it’s a small country.Destroy weapons!!! Destroy weapons!!! Weapons are Not food.Iranians don’t eat weapons.Spare Iranian citizens they are Good!!!!We need Iranians.Destroy weapons!!!!! Total destruction of Weapons in Jesus Name!!!

John Sullivan April 18, 2021 at 11:46 pm

The only persons I see embarrassed is Biden and The Democrats. President Trump had successfully isolated Iran, the pariah of the Middle East, politically and financially and bringing real peace to that troubled region by facilitating better relations between Israel and her neighbors including the exchange of diplomats. Now Biden is going to reverse all that by dealing with Iran who is the greatest threat to world peace and main supporter of Islamic terrorism paid for by the pallets of money Obama gave them. Now, thanks to Biden’s open border policies Islamic terrorists now just walk across the border.

Gerard Frederick June 7, 2021 at 10:42 am

Obama didn´t give the Iranians anything; the money had been theirs from the beginning, it had been frozen by the US – he merely unfroze the funds.


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