
Invoking Holocaust In Speech To Israeli Lawmakers, Zelensky Calls To Prevent Russian ‘Final Solution’

Invoking Holocaust In Speech To Israeli Lawmakers, Zelensky Calls To Prevent Russian ‘Final Solution’

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed Israeli lawmakers via Zoom in a fiery speech on Sunday, and called on Israel to help prevent a Russian “final solution.”

Zelenskyy told lawmakers: “102 years after the Nazi party was established, on February 24, an order was given for a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.”

“They are using the terminology of the Nazi party. This is a tragedy. When they wanted to destroy Europe and have it surrender, they didn’t want to leave any of you remaining. And now us. They called it the final solution to the Jewish question,” Zelenskyy said while also criticizing Israel for not arming Ukraine…

To read more visit Breitbart.

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1 comment

will March 21, 2022 at 5:50 am

Fact is that it’s the Klaus Schwab protege Zelensky who’s seeking a ‘holocaust’ against his own people by recently signing into law portions of Schwab’s ‘great reset’ deception to engage the citizenry in slavish obedience and total tyranny, power, and control over their lives. That Zelensky’s Ukraine does indeed have feeding and training grounds enabling neo-nazis funded by the US is a terrible fact, one which was admitted to by US government documents.


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