
1 Killed, Dozens Injured – West Bank Settlers Violently Attack Palestinian Villages

YouTube Screenshot of West Bank Settlers Attacking Palestinian Villages

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Dozens of Palestinians were injured and one was killed after Jewish West Bank settlers engaged in a series of violent and fiery rampages in several West Bank villages. Israeli security forces also allegedly sided with the aggressors and prevented Palestinians from defending themselves.

The assaults are believed to be acts of vengeance for the killing of 4 settlers who were shot to death by Palestinian gunmen. Those gunmen had already been shot to death shortly after they killed the settlers in an attack at a restaurant close to the Eli settlement.

The attack by the Palestinian gunmen was carried out after large Israeli military assaults on the Jenin refugee camp that left at least 7 people dead, including 2 children. That attack was an escalation that has not been seen since 2006 in the occupied West Bank. ZeroHedge reported that on Wednesday, Israel used helicopter gunships along with a drone strike that killed 3 people.

The Mayor of Turmusaya, Lafi Adeeb, said that hundreds of Jews attacked her town in a midday assault during which they set fire to 30 houses and 60 vehicles along with some farmland.

“This is genocide, this is a war against us,” Adeeb said. “Settlers carrying weapons and canisters full of fuel attack our small village and set fire to houses over the heads of their inhabitants,” she added.

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“They attacked our town by surprise, sneaking in at noon because they know that the citizens are busy and most of them are outside the town,” she explained. “The attack was large and organized, with full protection and coordination with the Israeli army, which is working against us and protecting them,” Adeeb concluded.

According to social media posts showing some of the attacks that occurred in Turmusaya and other Palestinian villages, Israeli soldiers fired bullets and threw gas bombs and stun grenades at village youth who confronted the attack as most of the adults in the villages were either working or were not in the area. Israeli soldiers also closed the entrances to Turmusaya so ambulances could not get to the injured, forcing Palestinians to transport their wounded for care.

“We finished the noon prayer, then we heard screams on the northern side of the town. We rushed there and found the vehicles burning and everything on fire, which devoured the agricultural crops and trees,” said Ahmed Jabara, a resident of Turmusaya.

Palestinian analyst Ameer Makhoul explained to Middle East Eye that “Terrorist gangs alongside the regular forces are an integral part of Zionist ideology.”

“Terrorist settler gangs are an integral part of the occupying state, and their job is to commit acts of genocide and intimidation of the Palestinians so that their state escapes responsibility and legal accountability,” Makhoul added.

Meanwhile, on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet announced that it will allow the construction of an additional 4,560 settlement units in the occupied West Bank, disregarding the long-running claim that the violence and alleged genocide would be resolved someday by a “two-state solution.”

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1 comment

BNuts71 June 22, 2023 at 9:41 am

Never mind the terrorist who attacked the IDF to start the raid that included helicopter attack. Never mind the dead civilians who were doing no more than leading their daily lives.


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