
Ceasefire To Start Friday 0700 Local – Hostage Release 1600 Local, Reports Qatar

Poster, Tel Aviv

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Tel Aviv – A ceasefire between the Israeli Defense Force and Hamas in the Gaza strip will commence at 0700 Local tomorrow morning and will last for four days.

A hostage swap will take place at 1600 Local.

The information was announced by Qatar’s Foreign Ministry this morning.

“The contacts on the release of our hostages are advancing and continuing constantly,” declared Tzachi Hanegbi, Israel’s national security adviser said in a statement translated by NBC News. “The start of the release will take place according to the original agreement between the sides, and not before Friday,” reported CNBC.

Under the deal, the two sides agreed to a four-day truce so that 50 women and children under the age of 19 taken hostage could be freed in return for 150 Palestinian women and teenagers in Israeli detention.

The 50 hostages, among about 240 taken by Hamas in their Oct. 7 raid on Israel, are expected to be released in batches, probably about a dozen a day, during the four-day ceasefire.

In addition, Hamas armed wing spokesman Abu Ubaida calls for an “escalation of confrontation with Israel on all resistance fronts”, reported Arab News.

Life in the center of Tel Aviv is normal. People are out on the streets enjoying the evening. There are expected celebrations tomorrow.

CDM will report live at 0900 EST tomorrow on the situation.

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