
Israeli, Egyptian Forces Exchange Fire, Egyptian Soldier Killed

The IDF said that the incident was under investigation and that a dialogue was taking place with the Egyptians.

Image by Gigi Ibrahim

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Israeli and Egyptian forces exchanged fire near Rafah on Monday, with sources in the IDF telling Israeli media that Egyptian soldiers fired at Israeli soldiers who returned fire. An Egyptian soldier was killed in the exchange of fire.

After the incident, IDF officials contacted Egyptian officials to cease the fire. No Israeli soldiers were injured in the incident.

The IDF said that the incident was under investigation and that a dialogue was occurring with the Egyptians…

To read more visit Jerusalem Post.

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1 comment

Elaine May 27, 2024 at 12:32 pm

Israel women, children & elderly were savagely attacked w/out provocation. Those are the facts! All our universities & students involved w/these Palistinian agitators need to be closed & the students lose their degrees. No more funding from the government on our tax dollars!


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