
Who Is steering America’s Ship Of State?

Ilhan Omar Shouldn’t Have Been Elected
Image by Gage Skidmore

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I admit it. I’m tired of writing the same piece again and again, weary of documenting the same willful and dangerous blindness on the part of the left-liberal Western media and the intelligentsia which has empowered them—on the subject of Islam, Islamic Jew hatred, and Islamist Jihad. I’ve been doing so for twenty years—perhaps for fifty years. I’ve written at least a thousand articles or more as well as two books: The New Antisemitism (2003, 2014) and Living History: On the Front Lines for Israel and the Jews (2003-2015).

It is not enough. And I am hardly alone. Others have been draining this swamp even as quickly as it fills up again or, as my esteemed colleague Richard Landes has phrased it, we are cleaning out the Augean Stables—truly, a Herculean task. Our names are legion (Khaled Abu Toameh, Andrew D. Bostom, Steve Emerson, David Hirsh, Charles Jacobs, Lori Lowenthal Marcus, Nidra Poller, Charles Small, Ibn Warraq, Bat Ye’or), and we have been joined by younger, wonderful people (Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Dovid Efune, Daniel Gordis, Elder of Zion, Matti Friedman, Dara Horn, Zuhdi Jasser, Asra Nomani, Andrew Pessin, Bari Weiss), who should be here long after we are gone.

Hopefully, they will not find themselves having to perform this same task over and over…

To read more visit Israel National News.

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