
Leftists Use Same Hypocrisy In Israel Over Anti-Conservative Protests And COVID…Mass Anti-Netanyahu Rallies Are Likely Not Health Hazard Says ‘Expert’

Leftists Use Same Hypocrisy In Israel Over Anti-Conservative Protests And COVID...Mass Anti-Netanyahu Rallies Are Likely Not Health Hazard Says 'Expert'
Image by שי טרגנו Yishai Tarragano

Leftists are using the same hypocrisy over anti-conservative protests in Israel regarding COVID-19, as they are in the United States. Read the laughable information below…

The mass demonstrations against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are likely to be relatively safe in terms of COVID-19, a researcher has said, after monitoring coronavirus rates in the aftermath of American racial justice protests.

An estimated 20,000 people took part in demonstrations against Netanyahu on Saturday. Some politicians have accused protesters of endangering public health, and Deputy Health Minister Yoav Kisch evenlabeled a demonstration a “health terror attack.”

But analysts in the United States have cast doubt on the idea that demonstrations cause coronavirus surges, after analyzing protest rates and virus rates there…

To read more visit The Times of Israel.

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