
REPORT: Iran Coordinated Attack With Biden White House, Biden Assured Iran There Would Be No Israeli Response

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Independent journalist Amir Tsarfati, who is close to the Israeli official press, put out a shocker of a statement this morning.

It is clear this morning that the Iranian attack was coordinated with the American administration. It is likely that the Iranians gave a warning that they were going to attack, and the US assured them that it would not allow an Israeli response. The Biden administration, in the most monstrous way, continues to see Iran as an asset, with which agreements must be reached.

Tsarfati declared Israel will respond, and made the following suggestion on his Telegram channel.

Israel is eyeing the following targets in Iran:

1. Oil facilities 

2. Dams

3. Nuclear sites 

4. Missiles silos

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Steve Eisenberg April 15, 2024 at 8:07 am

Take out Iran’s oil-producing capacity and you take out her war-making ability.

Charles Yarbrough April 17, 2024 at 5:59 am

As an American, I am ashamed of the government and its stance toward Iran. The Biden regime needs to be voted out and it can’t come soon enough. Biden, or whoever is really controlling the government (Obama?) is a joke. There are millions of Americans who stand with Israel and that support is unwavering.


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