
Southern Lebanon Looks To Be Ready To Cook Off As Netanyahu Demands More Weapons From US

Beirut International Airport 1955
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The situation along the Lebanese, Israeli border is intensifying with threats on both sides, as Israel looks serious about removing the threat Hezbollah poses to The Jewish State, as IDF military goals in Gaza look to soon be for the most part accomplished.

More and more countries are urging their citizens to leave Lebanon immediately. Yesterday, Macedonia called on its citizens to hurry and leave the area.

Brigadier General Kioumars Heydari, Commander of the Iranian Army’s Ground Forces, stated today that Israel will face a “harsh response” from Iran and the Resistance Front if they launch an invasion of Lebanon, reported pro-Israeli independent journalist Amir Tsarfati.

The Israeli Defense Forces allegedly leaked accusations Hezbollah was storing weapons at the Beirut airport.

Whistleblowers at the airport told The Telegraph they were concerned about increasing weapons supplies on direct flights from Iran.

They claimed that they had observed “unusually big boxes” arriving and the increased presence of high level Hezbollah commanders.

Lebanon has roundly dismissed as “ridiculous” a report by the British daily The Telegraph alleging that Hezbollah is storing weapons at Beirut’s Rafic Hariri International Airport, vowing to take legal actions against the newspaper, reported Presstv.ir.

The Telegraph article “seeks to tarnish the airport reputation,” caretaker Minister of Public Works and Transport Ali Hamieh told a press conference on Sunday.

Our sister newspaper, ArmedForces.press ran an interview with retired IDF BGen Yossi Kuperwasser on Israel’s intentions in the north.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lashed out at the Biden administration for delaying weapons deliveries to The Jewish State.

A statement from the Prime Minister’s office is below:

*Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Remarks at the Start of the Government Meeting*      

Following are Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks [translated from Hebrew], today (Sunday, 23 June 2024), at the start of the Government meeting:

“We are committed to returning the residents of the south and the north securely to their homes. We are committed to rebuilding and rehabilitating the communities and moving the north and the south forward in all areas.

To this end, I have decided to appoint Maj.-Gen. (Res.) Yiftach Ron-Tal to head the Tekuma Authority in the south and Vice Admiral (Res.) Eliezer Marom to head the authority in the north. I am certain that both of them will do excellent work. I am also certain that all Government ministers will give them full backing in their important work.

I greatly appreciate the support of President Biden and the American administration for Israel. Since the start of the war, the US has given us support in spirit and in materiel – defensive and offensive means.

But four months ago, there was a dramatic decrease in the munitions coming to Israel from the US. For long weeks, we turned to our American friends and requested that the shipments be expedited. We did this time and again. We did so at the highest levels, and at all levels, and I want to emphasize – we did so behind closed doors. We received all sorts of explanations, but one thing we did not receive; the basic situation did not change. Certain items arrived sporadically but the munitions at large remained behind.

After months in which there was no change in this situation, I decided to give this public expression. We did so out of years of experience and the knowledge that this step was vital to opening the bottleneck. I expected that this would entail personal attacks against me at home and abroad, as happened when I came out against the nuclear agreement with Iran, as happened – and as is happening – when I repeatedly opposed the establishment of a Palestinian terrorist state, and as is now happening when I oppose ending the war while Hamas remains in place. But I am willing to absorb personal attacks on behalf of the State of Israel.

As the Prime Minister of Israel, my job is to do everything to ensure that our heroic fighters receive the arms they need.

In light of what I have heard over the past 24 hours, I hope and believe that this issue will be resolved in the near future. But I would like to emphasize, and I have said this to our American friends, there is one item we have and it will always be decisive: The heroism and determination of our fighters – and with this weapon we will win.”

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