
The Left’s New Daddy Warbucks

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Originally posted at American Greatness

Alexander Soros’ bragging, “I’m more political,” promises limitless funding of the progressive-Left agenda for the 2024 election. It seems that the June 11 glorified announcement in the Wall Street Journal, exalting Alexander Soros’ accession to his father’s financial empire and global “political-philanthropic” foundations, was meant to boost the young man’s clout. 

The young Soros was groomed for this role for a long time. In 2018, George Soros took him on a world tour, introducing him to presidents and heads of state as his heir. Now, Alexander oversees investments in the $25 billion Soros Fund Management and is the chairman of the New York-based global Open Society Foundations (OSF) board.

“The arc of history doesn’t follow its own course. It needs to be bent,” the elder Soros told the New York Times. “I am really engaged in trying to bend it in the right direction,” he said.

Not to be outdone, Alexander has been doing his own bending by establishing Bend the Arc. This progressive-leftist Jewish group vigorously attacks former U.S. President Donald Trump’s anti-socialist Make America Great Again plan, Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu’s Zionist agenda, and the Jewish State of Israel. 

Speaking about Jews and Israel, Alexander parrots his father’s opinions. In July 2012, in an interview published by Philanthropy News Digest, he declared, “I worry when Jews in America start to support policies in Israel which they wouldn’t support in America . . . which don’t give full rights to people who are technically living under occupation [meaning the Palestinians, who are ruled by the corrupt, terrorist Palestinian authority], and which don’t allow for immigration of people who aren’t Jews or for non-Jews to become citizens,” he said, falsely representing the reality in Israel.

Like his father, he stated support of “Israel as a nation-state,” adding, “I don’t believe in a Jewish world and a non-Jewish world.” Instead, he accused Jews of being hypocrites for giving “credence to the old adage that Jews are liberal or left-wing only for their own self-interest.” Incredibly, the new leader of the largest private foundation claiming to advance an “open society” that promotes “equality” is accusing Jews of wanting “a color-blind society with all these different ethnic groups,” not because of their values, but “because it makes them safer”! He continued, “A lot of American Jews do support one thing here and another thing there, and that’s inconsistent. I don’t think they realize it,” he added. 

So, seeing his Bar-Mitzvah photo in the Journal announcement was unsurprising. Alexander employs the same strategy to preempt criticism long used by his father. For decades, George Soros has been successfully using the religion he was born into, claiming to be a victim while trivializing antisemitism. Somehow he manages to label those who dare criticize the Soros agenda, activities, and statements as antisemites.

Alexander left no doubt that, like his father, he intends “spend enough” to “make it right.” (For the Soroses, “right” is far Left). He sounded as vainglorious and calculated as his father, telling the Journal, “As much as I would love to get money out of politics, as long as the other side is doing it, we will have to do it, too.”

Alexander has also been busy cultivating personal relationships with U.S. Democratic and foreign leaders, and, as influencers do, using social media, he built up an impressive portfolio, advertising his reach. He has been photographed with Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and many European, North American, and African leaders and high-ranking officials of international organizations. Reportedly, he made at least a dozen visits to the Biden White House and frequented the State Department and other government agencies. While he claims to be more political than his father, he is lacking his father’s charisma. But rest assured that the billions of dollars at his disposal and the Left’s media support will make him very popular.

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Alexander declared that the Open Society Foundations plans to continue working on so-called “voting rights.” Democrats have long wanted to eliminate common-sense voter identification laws like requiring a photo ID to vote, even though most other countries demand various personal identification papers, and 76 percent of Americans support such laws. That, however, would interfere with the Democrats’ plan to allow millions of illegal migrants to vote.

The young Soros also intends to focus on equity for the LGBTQIA+ communities. The OSF website says, “We support groups that pursue an intersectional feminist agenda, including advancing reproductive justice and countering transnational attacks on sexual and reproductive health rights.” So, Alexander will fund the efforts to make the right to abort a federal law. If he and the progressive Left successfully force the transgender agenda, he’ll have to worry less about abortion rights since a castrated population will not produce pregnancies. 

Alexander’s influence isn’t confined to the United States. Following in his father’s footsteps, he has been meddling in Africa, the BalkansSouth America, Israel, and any number of the more than 120 countries in which the OSF operates. And, like his father, he regularly hobnobs with world leaders at international meetings.

Expect Alexander Soros to increase his funding of progressive-Left, globalized, and woke agendas in the United States and elsewhere. After all, he wants to prove that his father chose well and that his ambitions and ego are up to the task. This promises more meddling in the U.S. and global affairs. Let’s hope he fails.

*Rachel Ehrenfeld is the director of the American Center for Democracy and author of The Soros Agenda.

*This article was first published in American Greatness on June 15, 2023.

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1 comment

DAV June 19, 2023 at 9:21 am

If you want to make God laugh, just make a plan. Soros jr. assumes that he will have full reign to do whatever bad he wants. What if he is given a brain aneurysm ?!?!


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