Science & Technology

‘What We Are Seeing Happening In Israel With The Vaccines Is Scary’ – Boosters Are Not The Answer

Image by Israel Police

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Dr Homer on War Room Pandemic — “What we are seeing happening [with the vaccines] in Israel is scary.”

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Wantnot August 22, 2021 at 12:33 am

So, am I missing something? The vaccine is turning people into incubators to constantly mutate this bio-weapon? With the absolute tyrannical push for this vaccine, that is unprecedented in human history, we must conclude this is the planned outcome! People must stop allowing experimental drugs with unknown consequences injected into their bodies! The only conclusion to be made from this overhyped and exaggerated ‘bio-weapon’ was to get you to take the overhyped vaccine, that doesn’t do what they told us it would do! I believe their next step will be, the FDA will approve this vaccine as safe, which is more lies on top of more lies!

NotGonnaGetJabbed August 22, 2021 at 9:08 am

They have directed pharmacies not to dispense the common medications Doctors have found to be effective against the original WuFlu strain. Pharmacists are now the gate-keeper for ivermectin, HCQ, and nebulized anti-inflammatories which many doctors have found to be effective at keeping you out of the hospital. This is evil in action.

Test laboratories are shredding the boxes which package the test and putting security guards over the workers to ensure this happens and they guard the shredded boxes until they are disposed. They are watching the testers, nurses, and custodians to ensure the boxes cannot be seen by anyone ‘not authorized.’ These boxes prove that the test is QUOTE “not safe or effective for diagnosis of COVID.”

This is NOT typical, nor legal, from any aspect, at all.

davedutchess August 22, 2021 at 9:10 am

EVERYBODY should look up “a list” of people at the FDA.

Mitts August 22, 2021 at 9:21 am

Dr. Dan Stock explains in 6 1/2 minutes all you need to know about COVID (flu) and vaccines.


JameE August 22, 2021 at 11:01 am

It’s ok for Israel to experiment and kill it’s people as long as it’s done by Israel.

oldbat August 22, 2021 at 8:13 pm


DJG August 22, 2021 at 10:44 pm

You don’t need a doctor’s prescription to get Ivermectin. Go to most animal farm supplies store, they sell Ivermectin.

pc_PHAGE August 23, 2021 at 7:29 am

I really didn’t understand this video at all.
What’s the problem with Israel?
Maybe because it’s 4:25 AM PT.
It’s my suspicion that in 5 years millions of people are going to be dead or severely debilitated from the vaccine.
If that’s the case then things will get very scary for Israel.
The Globalist Communists have a plan to get millions to take their vaccine.
It has worked out quite well for them.
What is the Globalist goal in all this.? Will people be referring to the covid pandemic as the covid genocide in several years.
Will it destroy European Civilization as well as Israel and USA.?
The Globalists want Red China to rule the world?

pc_PHAGE August 23, 2021 at 7:30 am

fcking censorship is everywhere

Gct August 24, 2021 at 5:33 pm

An EUA cant be granted if there are any other valid treatments available, thus why HCQ and Ivermectin were demonized. Now they grand FDA approval, not because its proven safe because that cannot be done in less than a year. More like 5 years are needed. But they approved it to inspire confidence. Just confidence of safety, not safety itself. If considered exactly as presented, I’d say that is a good definition of a con job. I wonder now, if Pfizer’s lawsuit immunity has dissolved ?

Lenka August 24, 2021 at 6:54 pm

How is it, that it seems impossible to stop and prosecute those inhumane criminals against millions

Gioia Pharo August 25, 2021 at 7:41 am

The third vaccination for people with immune comprised bodies is troubling. As I know a few people with issues that cannot take the second shoot as they had adverse reactions to the first. BAD SCIENCE.


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