Science & Technology

Israel Makes Up New Disease To Be Worried About As ‘Never Again’ Turns Into ‘Next Shot Please’

Virus panic: First case of ‘flurona’– Covid and flu merge to form horror double infection (LOL-Actual Headline)

הרמטכ״ל, רא״ל אביב כוכבי, מתחסן במנת החיסון הראשונה מבין שתי המנות הנדרשות נגד נגיף הקורונה, והוא הראשון שמתחסן בצה״ל. זוהי יריית הפתיחה למבצע החיסונים שיתקיים בהובלת חיל הרפואה
Image by IDF Spokesperson’s Unit photographer

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WARNING – This is not The Babylon Bee!

It’s becoming comical the lengths the globalist cabal obviously in charge of The Jewish State will go to keep up the fear porn to jab the population even more, or make money off Pfivermectin.

The Israeli Health Ministry is now studying the first case of ‘Flurona’, a reported combination of Corona virus and the Flu. Or maybe it’s just the Flu?

The first case of Flurona was found in a young pregnant woman in Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikva. Flurona is a dangerous mixture of coronavirus and influenza. The young woman was unvaccinated and results from the hospital detected the co-presence of both the flu and the Covid 19 pathogens, reported The Express.

Local press in Israel reported the woman was found positive for the two infections during analysis at the hospital in Petach Tikva.

The Israeli Health Ministry is studying the results.

It’s no longer about ‘never again’, but about ‘next shot please’, long-term consequences be damned.

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