NewsIsrael Beats US And Most EU Countries To Come In 5th In The New 2019 Bloomberg Innovation IndexBaruch PletnerJanuary 22, 2019January 22, 2019 by Baruch PletnerJanuary 22, 2019January 22, 2019012504 Israel is the fifth most innovative world economy in the world and the global leader in value-add manufacturing and tertiary education....
HistoryThe Road To Perdition Is Paved With Religious ExtremismBaruch PletnerJanuary 13, 2019January 13, 2019 by Baruch PletnerJanuary 13, 2019January 13, 201903238 History shows that both religious and anti-religious extremism are the path to destruction. Balance between innovation and tradition is the way forward....
BusinessWhat Drives The Famous Israeli Innovation?Baruch PletnerJanuary 12, 2019January 12, 2019 by Baruch PletnerJanuary 12, 2019January 12, 201902805 Necessity drives Israeli innovation....