AnalysisModern And Traditional Attitudes Towards LGBT Are Playing A Leading Role In The Israeli Identity CrisisBaruch PletnerJanuary 12, 2020January 12, 2020 by Baruch PletnerJanuary 12, 2020January 12, 202005059 In Israel, the traditional - modern divide when it comes to LGBT is not always what it appears to be...
OpinionThe Autogenocide Plan Of The White Liberal Elites Is Working But You Can Choose To Stop It Cold In Its TracksBaruch PletnerNovember 25, 2019November 25, 2019 by Baruch PletnerNovember 25, 2019November 25, 201903019 Kids of all colors are vilified by the liberal elites, but only white-skinned kids are singled out for being responsible for all the ills of...