Science & TechnologyIsraeli Micro-Drones Are A Powerful New Intelligence Gathering ToolTsionizm StaffNovember 28, 2019November 28, 2019 by Tsionizm StaffNovember 28, 2019November 28, 201902233 A joint development between Ben-Gurion University in the Negev and Rafael's Makers' lab new micro-drones enhance Israeli security...
OpinionOur Silicon Valley Elites Will Be Among The Shortest Lived And Least Accomplished In Human HistoryBaruch PletnerNovember 17, 2019November 17, 2019 by Baruch PletnerNovember 17, 2019November 17, 201903012 It is now abundantly clear that the information technology revolution did nothing but enslave the human spirit and a counter-revolution is all but inevitable...
Science & TechnologyIn A Historic Breakthrough Israeli Researchers 3D-Print The First Living Human HeartBaruch PletnerApril 15, 2019April 15, 2019 by Baruch PletnerApril 15, 2019April 15, 20192 4016 Israeli researchers point the way to 3D printing living organs that are exactly matched to each patient...