AnalysisTrump’s Common Sense Offensive In The Middle EastBaruch PletnerJune 10, 2019June 10, 2019 by Baruch PletnerJune 10, 2019June 10, 201904574 Middle East "Deal of the Century" is an appeal to the Palestinians to finally grasp historical trends and act in their own self-interest before its...
NewsIDF Officer And Four Combat Soldiers Arrested For Violence Against Arab CaptivesBaruch PletnerJanuary 10, 2019January 10, 2019 by Baruch PletnerJanuary 10, 2019January 10, 201902818 Israeli troops arrested for alleged revenge beating of Arabs who assisted their comrade's killer....
NewsJewish Samaria Terror UpdateBaruch PletnerJanuary 6, 2019January 6, 2019 by Baruch PletnerJanuary 6, 2019January 6, 201902713 Jewish terror cell in Samaria claims its first victim....