
Equations Are Eternal, But Humans Are Transient; CHAOS THEORY: How I learned to Love The Bomb, and Why I Parted from My Ex

Bhangmeter light patterns detected by a pair of sensors on Vela satellite 6911 on 22 Sep 1979

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Mathematics contain an important study field under the name Chaos theory. Chaos theory studies the concept and behavior of highly insensitive dynamic systems. It also studies behavior of dynamic systems in initial conditions, which often turns out to be super sensitive at a very high level. In Chaos theory, this concept is referred to as the Butterfly effect, which is the main field of study in this theory.

Chaos Theory: nonlinear dynamics and fractal geometry.

“While the rules governing dynamic systems are well-specified and simple, the behavior of many dynamic systems is remarkably complex. Of particular note, simple deterministic dynamic systems produce output that appears random and for which long-term prediction is impossible.” SOURCE

​It was about 1979. A life past and almost forgotten. My ex and I arrived in Israel after a tour of Vienna. Later, refreshing my friendship with a buddy from the first grade in Budapest who stayed a lifelong friend until his passing.​

We arrived at the kibbutz, unnamed here for good reasons. During our flight I read a book by a “Thom” if I recall correctly, about the Chaos Theory. At that point in our chaotic world, it was interesting. Written more for the novice, not for the advanced mathematician.  

As it were, math is orderly, our world was not.

She kept remarking about the theory, it’s BS; it doesn’t even exist. Fiction, she added. Later it was known as a Black Swan event – and other names adopted by the general culture. Black Swan may touch on it. To others the two may mean the exact same thing.

In non-scientific circles, it means sht happens

In other words, she did not believe that sh-t happens. Not even after sh-t was happening throughout the world. Not even, in this particular case, when it happened off the coast of South Africa just a couple of days before we arrived.

The kibbutz was near the Lebanese and Syrian borders (and in more communal and primitive conditions at that time). At dinner, a nice gent sat down next to us. We struck up a conversation. He told us he’s a scientist who worked at a famed nuclear physics lab (unnamed here) and just had arrived from his South African assignment that ended two days before. 

My ears perked up immediately. I asked “what do you know about the chaos theory,” without hinting that we’ve been fighting about it since my bowl of halász lé (fish chowder) we had in Szeged, a town near Hungary’s southern border where Hungarian paprika is grown. He went into a long dissertation, as my ex, enraged at having lost the argument, sat there poker faced not understanding anything.

When I asked about his South African project, he said, sorry, he’s not at liberty to talk about it, but perhaps years into the future you will hear the story…and then jokingly referred to the Big Bang that we were also discussing during the meal.

Tired from the trip, she decided to take a nap. The gent and I went on a sightseeing tour of Nimrod’s Fortress at the Golan. Again, I asked about his South African assignment. He just smiled and said he’s very happy it went well. 

Next morning, I went out with new friends going on patrol with the IDF at the Lebanese border. At that time there were “difficulties” from the other side, but nothing disturbing happened that particular day. 

It was only years later our return to the states that CBS’ Walter Cronkite reported about what appeared to be a huge “meteor impact” in the ocean off the South African coast. CBS displayed a map of the location. Cronkite said that scientists still have no explanation for the cause.

The cause is now known as THE VELA INCIDENT

We fast forward thirty some-odd years, many years after my parting from my ex, to the rest of the TOP SECRET story now available from the National Security Archives:

Washington, D.C., December 8, 2016 – A CIA-sponsored panel of well-respected scientists concluded that a mysterious flash detected by a U.S. Vela satellite over the South Atlantic on the night of 22 September 1979 was likely a nuclear test, according to a contemporaneous report published today for the first time by the National Security Archive and the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project.  

The moral of this story? 

Never, I repeat, never argue with your mate about the Chaos Theory. Or any other issue for that matter – because sh-t happens. And then BANG!…er, I mean, banged, is not what you’ll be experiencing that evening!



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