
The Disgraceful Politicization Of Jewish Institutions


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At a time when partisan divisions are at an all-time high, there aren’t many places that are politics-free zones anymore. Many, if not most, of our cultural institutions and media outlets have lined up on one side or the other. That is just as true, if not truer, of the American Jewish world since the vast majority of Jews identify as politically liberal with a large plurality being among the most loyal and determinedly partisan supporters of the Democratic Party.

One has come to expect knee-jerk partisanship from many Jewish religious institutions, the major denominations, national organizations and even the formerly nonpartisan Anti-Defamation League—the one group specifically tasked with defending Jews against anti-Semitism. But it’s likely that few people thought this would also be true of one of the country’s leading Holocaust museums. Yet the Museum of Jewish Heritage–A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, has just made clear that it, too, is done with any pretense of nonpartisanship or openness to those who might dissent from left-wing orthodoxy.

By refusing to host a conference where Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was one of the invited speakers, the museum hasn’t just indicated that it can no longer be considered a nonpartisan institution. Its decision also illustrates the way many on the Jewish left have come to view the Holocaust as only meaningful as a metaphor to be employed in backing a political agenda designed to label anyone they don’t like as a bigot…

To read more visit Jewish News Syndicate.

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1 comment

pc_PHAGE May 15, 2022 at 11:20 am

If you read the rest of the article at the Jewish News Syndicate, you will see my example.
EVERYTHING is being politicized by the Left. It is what ideologues do. It is especially what communist ideologues do.
When America officially ends in the first quarter of 2023, and after our NWO masters declare themselves, there will be a serious discussion in the Deep-State Cabal’s hallowed halls at the Pentagon….
The issue will be what to do about the idiocies that were used to bring down America and how to phase them out.
You see, communists got crazy Academic idealists to dream up all the nonsense like their sexual ideology, environment catastrophes, systemic racism, transgenderism and whatnot. Those that can be used to suppress whites they will keep, while other that were meant to disable society will not be kept. Commies want stable societies too. Although Mao preferred continuous revolution. Perhaps the Globalists will find a middle ground.
Later on, in the article above I meet up with the phrase “not unsurprisingly”.
I can’t figure out double negatives anymore.
I’ve always had problems with them but now there is a blankness when I try to unravel them.
It took me a half an hour to get it all straight.
Maybe it my non-verbal learning disorder that is getting worse because of insipid dementia.
Ancient Chinese is big on double negatives.
First, I make half of “not unsurprisingly positive = unsurprisingly = not surprisingly.
Then since two negatives make a positive…
not not surprisingly = surprisingly.
original context..
“Not unsurprisingly, TIKVAH chose not to insult the Florida governor and quickly found another venue for its event.”
So, Jonathan Tobin, the author, is surprised that the neo-con Elliot Abrams would not want to disrespect Ron DeSantis? Am I missing something.?
I used to think the world of Elliot Abrams until I found out he was anti-Trump. The same goes with Commentary Magazine which was against the wall.
Neocon Globalists?
Yes, Trump’s election brought out all the rats and their baggage.


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