Science & Technology

Most Hospitalizations In Israel Are ‘Vaccinated’…Breakthough Infections Skyrocketing

14 Of 16 Severe COVID Patients In Trial Recover With Experimental Israeli Drug
Reuven Rivlin with the first vaccinator in Phase B of the Israeli Vaccine of the Israeli Biological Institute, January 2021
Image by Amos Ben Gershom

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As we reported recently, Israel is now warning citizens will need a fourth booster shot for the government’s Covid-19 vaccination program. This development comes after a multitude of evidence the ‘vaccines’ are actually forcing the virus to spread and develop ‘breakthrough’ variants. In other words – a mutant escape virus, which is inevitable according to some scientists who warn against high vaccination rates during a pandemic.

Curiously, you don’t hear the Israeli government pushing therapeutics like Ivermectin which has shown great success in India and other nations against the ‘Delta variant’.

Perhaps investigators should look at relationships between Israeli government officials and big Pharma.

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RecognizingTruth September 7, 2021 at 12:50 am

Of COURSE “breakthrough infections” are rising.
The “vaccine” isn’t a vaccine, and does not impart sterile immunity.
The minor immunogenicity it produces is not enough to prevent infection, nor prevent mutations.
Worse, it now appears that the antibodies produced by the “vaccine” ENHANCE the virus’ ability to infect cells.

But don’t worry, jabs two times a year with daily COVID “pills” – all from Pfizer – will keep the money flowing, I mean “keep you healthy”.

Peter Halligan September 7, 2021 at 7:52 am

in the interests of saving lives and preventing infections i show below a comparison of the UK and Uttar Pradesh an Indian state.
let’s compare uttar pradesh that uses Ivermectin with the UK which does not.

Population Cases Deaths Recoveries Actives

UK 68.3m 7.0m 133,274 6.3m 1.25m

Uttar Pradesh 237.9m 1.7m 22,856 1.7m 235

that’s right. there are just 235 cases left in the whole of Uttar Pradesh – 40% of the state HAS NO COVID AT ALL

29 Uttar Pradesh districts are Covid-19 free, says state govt | Lucknow News – Times of India (indiatimes.com)

COVID Live Update: 222,051,929 Cases and 4,590,293 Deaths from the Coronavirus – Worldometer (worldometers.info)

COVID-19 Cases (Coronavirus Disease) in Uttar Pradesh (State, India) – Map, Statistics and Charts (citypopulation.de)

let’s summarize.

the injections are killing and maiming people.

ivermectin works

by NOT using Ivermectin, the UK has suffered 133,000 deaths instead of 8,000 – the measures have killed 125,000 people

by NOT using Ivermectin, the UK has suffered 7 million infections instead of 600,000

by NOT using Ivermectin, the UK has 1.25 million active cases, instead of 80.

it is vital that israelis sack the kakistocrats and quacks that run the serious risk of decimating the population. this is an existential crisis for israel.

stop the injections, prescribe ivermectin – and then israel can get back to normal.

JJ September 7, 2021 at 11:53 am

One has to question why all 3 big pharma companies all chose the same mRNA route in their covid shot development. Why didn’t any go with the normal anti-body route as in real vaccines. Something that would provide immunity instead of creating spike proteins that affect body function. All 3 going the same way only serves to prove there is something sinister about this whole thing, a coordinated effort of some kind. And now with so much pressure to FORCE people to get the shot, free of charge, leaves no doubt. The saddest part is all the suckers that trust the narrative without question.

Dr S. Bate October 12, 2021 at 11:33 pm

The basic fact, put in simple terms, is that no spike is good inside your body. In Canada we are told daily, at a nauseating tempo, that vaccines are “Safe and Effective”…and that the benefits outweigh the risks…with absolutely no concrete data to support these claims. Breakthrough data is spread over a time frame in which for 6 of the 9 month reporting period, less than 5% of the population could even qualify as a breakthrough! Furthermore, even with this obviously skewed and biased reporting, the future is clear…deaths among the “fully protected”, as a percentage of all Covid deaths since December 14, 2020 (38 days before a single Canadian was fully protected) have risen over the past weeks from 3.0% to 3.7% to 4.4% to now 5.1%…0.7% per week for a month now. If vaccines prevent serious outcomes and especially deaths, why is the proportionate number of deaths higher than the proportionate number of cases (4.4% as of September 25)? Damned spike proteins! Since July 17, the first screenshot I took of the government reported data (they don’t archive the reports to prevent people from seeing trends), the average number of deaths per positive case in the unvaccinated is 0.99% (in Canada)…in the “fully protected” population it’s 1.06%…which is to say that if you test positive today, you have a slightly greater chance (7%) of dying if you’re “fully protected”…to quote the Simpsons, “I haven’t seen such a blatant display of false advertising since The Neverending Story”


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