PoliticsBiden Appointments Signal Return To Obama Era Hostility Towards IsraelTsionizm StaffFebruary 16, 2021February 16, 2021 by Tsionizm StaffFebruary 16, 2021February 16, 20212 5157 Biden Appointments Signal Return To Obama Era Hostility Towards Israel....
AnalysisDon’t Look Now But Where Are The Violent “Marches Of Return” On The Gaza Border?Baruch PletnerNovember 29, 2019November 29, 2019 by Baruch PletnerNovember 29, 2019November 29, 201906318 President Trump's policies to contain Iran and de-internationalize the Arab-Israeli conflict combine with Israeli technological superiority and European's growing fear of Islam to give Hamas...
NewsGeneral McChrystal: My Worst Mistake Was To Let Revolutionary Guard Commander Qasem Soleimani LiveBaruch PletnerJanuary 27, 2019January 27, 2019 by Baruch PletnerJanuary 27, 2019January 27, 201906083 Obama-era general admits to committing a great error by letting the Iranian butcher Soleimani live....