
Putin Aide Says New Ukraine Leader Could Populate War-Torn Region With Jews

Volodymyr Zelenskiy
Image by Максим Стоялов
Владимир Зеленский

Ukrainian President-elect Volodymyr Zelenskiy could populate eastern Ukrainian land with Jews, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s adviser Sergei Glazyev said in an opinion piece published Monday.

Glazyev’s blog post on an obscure nationalist website appeared on the day that Zelenskiy, who is himself Jewish, met with top Ukrainian Orthodox Jewish Hasidic rabbis. Kremlin officials and Russian state-funded media have characterized Ukraine’s pro-Western leadership that swept into power in 2014 as “Nazis” bent on oppressing Russian speakers…

To read more The Moscow Times.

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SteveStevensen May 8, 2019 at 9:22 am

Jews are not safe anywhere in the Balkans, Ukraine or Russia. Much time has passed since the old Tsarist Pogroms…let’s not allow short memories to be mistaken for changed behaviors.

The problem is that Jews are industrious, clannish and smart. This results in Jews becoming controlling many of the key economic engines of their communities…banks, law firms, stores, real estate, etc.

When things go south economically or socially, who is the first lamb to be blamed and then sacrificed? Who are the first to have their gun rights taken away, if they even had them in the first place?

Jews should only live where gun rights are full and free, allowing Jews to defend themselves from those who are quick to blame them for society’s ills.

America and Israel…the only safe places for Jews on planet earth.

Wake up American Jews…you need to support the second amendment and gun ownership. Jews should be the best marksmen, the best soldiers, and the best fighters…because history proves that you will be victimized again and again.

Staff May 8, 2019 at 2:00 pm

Thank you very much for your comment!


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